Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay example --

In todays society, people are debating whether or not gardening is beneficial to ones health or just a waste of taxpaying dollars. By ontogeny our own food, we know exactly what we are eating and its nutritional value. culture is used as an escape from the real world and can be rather relaxing. I, for one, found gardening to be fun. What I enjoyed most was sorting the vegetables to attain the good from the bad. There are many pros to community gardening. Some of them include the health benefits, bringing the entire community together, and economic growth. I would first similar to point out the health benefits of growing our own foods. How foods are magnanimous or raised can impact both your health and the environment. By growing our own foods, we become aware of how natural the crops are when they are free of pesticides and other chemicals deemed dangerous for the human populations health. Organic fruits and vegetables are grown in safe soil and farmers are not allowed to use pe sticides or harmful chemicals. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, is a leading force in the fight for give away ...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Economy and Society in Europe During 1848 Essay -- European History Ec

Economy and Society in Europe During 1848 The revolutionary year of 1848 was an uncommon period in which popular disturbances brought down the government of many countries. The revolts were very widespread, seriously affecting about fifty countries in Europe.1 It ranged from an enormous area, ranging from the Atlantic to the Ukraine, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean. Factors that contributed to these revolts included the potato crop had been destroyed, food riots broke out, and financial crises sprung about due to the high rate of unemployment.2 The development of major cities, such as Prague, Berlin, Liepzig, and so on contributed to the creation of the revolution. Also, anger arose over political issues because the middle class was taking control, and the peasants were starving due to this. Another point that caused rage was tax collection. People threaten to beat tax collectors and burn down revenue offices. Europe, at this time, was fighting a battle that would last many y ears and change many distinct aspects of European countries. For the most part, the revolts were due to the bourgeoisie (upper class citizens) and how they controlled everything, including factories, machines, and people. The proletariat (working class that consisted of the factory laborers) were dominated by the bourgeoisie and began to look for a social change.3 The assorted changes in Europe in 1848 resulted in economic revolts, the Industrial Revolution, and how Karl Marx had an impact on society.The economic revolts took place right before 1848. This economic crisis resulted from the agricultural failures, which adjust off a serious industrial and commercial crisis, as high food prices would not let people buy anything else. Due to thes... ...ompany Inc, 1970), 198-206.6. Breunig, 226.7. Jones, 24.8. Hugh McLeod, Secularisation in Western Europe, 1848-1914 (London MacMillian Press Ltd., 2000), 31.9. Jones, 15.10. Priscilla Robertson, Revolutions of 1848 A Social Histor y (New Jersey Princeton University Press, 1952), 6.Bibliography Breunig, Charles. The Age of Revolution and Reaction, 1789-1850. New York Norton and Company Inc., 1970.Goldstein, Robert Justin. The European Revolutoin of 1848 and 1989. 24 February 1999. http// (22 October 2001).Jones, Peter. The 1848 Revolutions. New York Longman Inc., 1991.McLeod, Hugh. Secularisation In Western Europe, 1848-1914. London MacMillian Press Ltd., 2000.Robertson, Priscilla. Revolutions of 1848 A Social History. New Jersey Princeton University Press, 1952.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Free College Admissions Essays: An Unforgettable Summer :: College Admissions Essays

An Unforgettable Summer umteen spate often mention the fact that everyone in their life date will have an unforgettable summer. Well, this seemed plausible after the summer I spent in Seoul, Korea. This trip is thus far the best summer in my lifetime that I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of. I intend from the first meeting spot for my own missionary station in Portland, Oregon how I came to meet new people from all around the United States. The trip was off to a success ever since we unexpended for Korea from the Portland Airport and my adventure was underway. I love flying, but I gained new meaning when the initial flight took about 13 hours. However, this was great because it gave many people from my delegation to mingle together and become better acquainted with one another. I know for me it helped tremendously because I am a demure someone at times, so as the flight progressed I grew more comfortable with everyone. As my memory begins to extend even further I distinctly remember arriving at the Seoul Airport where we were befriended by some fellow residents of Korea involved with the Science Festival. As the first week was underway it was an incredible feeling as I interacted with many people from other countries and observed science lectures, and presentations. I remember seeing some excellent projects that were amonngst my own as we participated in the student presentation portion of the festival. One great moment for me was the talent show, where many countries presented themselves as a cultural representative of their native land. I remember I was supposed to perform in addition to presenting my science research report, but there was not enough time for every single person to perform, so I could not showcase my vocal talent. However, one day we took a fieldtrip to one of the Seoul high schools and there were various people on the chartered bus from different countries, so people start singing karokee on the machine that was on th e bus. So needless to say I did my own interpretation of a popular American song and I was surprised to see the huge reaction out of everyone because so many people knew the song and cheered along. Many people also loved the fact that I sang it without the music because I performed it acapella.