Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Susan B. Anthony Speech

Effective Speech Susan B. Anthony Speech 1873 Susan B. Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 and she was one of the many women in the nineteenth century to fight for women’s rights. She would travel all over the nation and create petitions for the right for women to vote and also slavery. She was an abolitionist, an educational reformer, a labor activist, and of course a women’s right campaigner. As brave as she was, she voted illegally in the presidential election of 1872 in Rochester, New York and arrested.They had fined her 100 dollars but did not imprison her, which she refused to pay. The next year, Susan presented a speech explaining and demanding that women had the right vote just as much as men did. She states, â€Å"It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union. (1873)†. She pointed out that the constitution itself stated that people as a whole would help and contribu te to justice and establishment in the United States.Most importantly, Susan Anthony’s speech in 1873 was effective in every way. Although, it took as long as 14 years after her speech for women to have the lawful right to vote and exactly one hundred years after her birth, she campaigned and petitioned all over the nation and was part of several organizations against slavery, women’s suffrage and the labor movement. She fought and petitioned for the thirteenth amendment which was to outlaw slavery. She was threatened by many people and humiliated but nothing stopped Susan from continuing to fight for everyone’s rights.I define effective as being helpful and successful, in Susan’s case, it wasn’t successful right away, but her intelligence throughout all the years after her arrest, made her stronger and that’s what made her goal become a success, she never gave up. The speech took place in 1872 in Rochester, New York after she voted for the presidential election. It was after the judge had fined her with $100 to pay for unlawfully voting for a candidate. The court room was filled with politics, former presidents, women and men that supported her words.She stood alone at the Canandaigua Courthouse and gave her speech before her sentencing. She stood handcuffed but nothing stopped Susan B. Anthony from expressing her feelings towards the authorities that were trying to keep her from voting. Susan opened her speech by addressing it to each and every single person in the room. She did not mention only men or only women but stated, â€Å"Friends and fellow citizens†. Her main ideas that she was mainly focused on getting across were the constitution itself explained how we the people were to help establish a better and equal America.She did not understand why the constitution contradicted itself because later, women were still not allowed to vote. She also explained, if the government wouldn’t allow women to vo te, they were degrading us. â€Å"For any state to make sex a qualification that must ever result in the disfranchisement of one entire half of the people, is to pass a bill of attainder, or, an ex post facto law, and is therefore a violation of the supreme law of the land. By it the blessings of liberty are forever withheld from women and their female posterity† (Susan B.Anthony 1873). In this quote she strongly expresses her feelings and beliefs, if the government were to ever pass that law, liberty and equality were to be taken from women forever. Women all over the nation supported her and felt the same exact way. She used effective language and everyone understood where she was coming from. Susan was very motivating and persuading, not only in her speech but many of the other speeches she had presented in the past in court rooms, events in town during the woman’s suffrage movement.She created petitions all over the nation to get people to support her so she would have many reasons and supporters when the time would come. The speech wasn’t so conversational but more of a last words speech before she was sentenced. She had many goals she wanted to achieve but her main concern was to be able to have the same rights as men had. Men at the time had the right to vote, and were eligible to run as a candidate in a presidential election. They treated women as animals that were not capable of managing anything and had no say in who would be the best choice for America.Many people were emotionally affected by Susan’s speech because she wasn’t only fighting for herself but for other women and also slaves. She did not only think about herself but others too. People realized that she casted this vote for women and slaves so that the government would know that Susan was no longer taking any disrespect from her fellow citizens. I’m not sure if she was well prepared because when she had given her speech she was in court. She proba bly felt a lot of pressure because this speech determined if they would really listen to her or sentence her to a long time in jail or bombard her with fines from he government. The text from the speech is well said and well thought out, every word came out one hundred percent strong and she spoke with powerful words. If you pay attention on how she stands up for women and the slaves at the time, she was very serious and completely heartbroken because of the decisions and laws that the government had created at the time. â€Å"To them this government is not a democracy. It is not a republic. It is an odious aristocracy; a hateful oligarchy of sex; the most hateful aristocracy ever established on the face of the globe; an oligarchy of wealth, where the rich govern the poor.An oligarchy of learning, where the educated govern the ignorant, or even an oligarchy of race, where the Saxon rules the African, might be endured; but this oligarchy of sex, which makes father, brothers, husband , sons, the oligarchs over the mother and sisters, the wife and daughters, of every household – which ordains all men sovereigns, all women subjects, carries dissension, discord, and rebellion into every home of the nation†(Susan B . Anthony 1873 Speech) Susan believed that the government ad only focused on the negativity.Instead of them trying to educate the â€Å"ignorant†, why wouldn’t they try to educate â€Å"just people† in general? Not everyone had the same opportunities as other so why not give them the opportunity to learn and share that knowledge. She also didn’t understand why the head of household was always addressed as the father, or if the father died the son would take his place for example in a royal chain, if the king dies, the son automatically became king. The rich were always the superior because they had the money. I support Susan B.Anthony completely because even though, it took many years for the law to become effectiv e, she did everything possible to help out women and slaves. She risked her life in some situations, was arrested for illegally voting knowing she couldn’t vote but did anyways for the sake of women. She has motivated me to want to be superior in a large company one day. The CEO of many companies are always men and very few women. Society has painted a picture out for us that make us think automatically that the CEO of a popular firm or chain is man instead of a woman.Also, America back in 2008 had the chance to vote a woman for president, Hilary Clinton, but we did not because we felt as if she wasn’t capable of running a country all on her own and America wasn’t ready for a woman president. Others believed that if she were to have won the election, Bill Clinton would’ve helped her run this country which is a very negative comment to say. There is nothing I would have changed about her speech but what I would have changed was the timing of the law becomi ng effective. Susan was an extraordinary woman who had courage, determination, and motivated many other women after that to continue her footsteps.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Computer programs Essay

Computer programs that reside in a host computer’s memory and control its functionality, in order to obtain information residing on the host computer, are known as hostile code. Viruses like the Melissa, The Love Bug, Hybris, and CIH are the best examples of hostile code. The development of the internet has helped the release, transmission and effectiveness of hostile code and its rapid development (Robert J. Bagnall, March 14, 2001). Hostile code has been classified into three categories, namely, Viruses which are computer programs usually hidden within other seemingly harmless programs. These malicious programs reproduce and get embedded in other programs with the intention of performing some harmful action (Merriam-Webster OnLine, n. d). They spread from file to file on the same computer and not to other computers from that computer (Symantec, n. d). Worms, which are self contained programs that spread copies of it to other computer systems, via networks connections like the IRC or as email attachments. They replicate like viruses, but spread from computer to computer. They are much more dangerous than viruses because they spread faster and affect entire computer networks. Trojan Horses, which contain hidden commands within code resembling a useful program. They make the computer do what was not intended to be done by the user. They erase specific files; format hard disk drives, steal passwords and install server programs onto the infected computer in order to permit remote access. In order to tackle hostile code attacks, forensics use intrusion detection and incident response. Intrusions are suspicious computer activity these are dealt with by the following step wise procedure, preparation, detection, investigation, eradication, recovery and follow up. That such an attack is taking place can be assumed whenever, there are service slowdowns or malfunctions, web defacements, anonymous tips, etc. The aim will be to isolate and contain the attacker by setting up a so called victim machine or target subnet on the network. Once the IP Address is determined, then the source of the attacks can be determined. A few of the methods used in this process are the ping and traceroute facilities, suppose the IP Address is known but it is not in quad format then one can use the ping or traceroute detect the IP Address in the normal quad format. In case the domain name is known but not the IP Address or vice versa, then one can use the nslookup tool. This tool works with UNIX, Windows NT and Windows 2000. While, registering the domain name it is essential to furnish details of name and contact address. The whois utility is used to obtain contact information on a specific domain to obtain the contact details of all persons registered with them. One of the more well known of such utilities are provided by the Sam Spade Web site (http://samspade. org) and the one provided by Network Solutions. After the contact information is obtained a traceroute is run to determine the route that the data packets are following. In this manner the source of the hostile code can be determined (Heiser and Kruse, 2001). Sources Bagnall, Robert J.Computer Viruses & Security WARNING: Visual Basic, Active X, Java and other Mobile Code, Retrieved March 29, 2006 from http://membrane. com /security /java_and_cookies/notes/mobile_code_malware. html Merriam-Webster OnLine. Retrieved March 29, 2006, from the World Wide Web: http://www. m-w. com/cgi-bin/dictionary? virus Symantec. Retrieved March 29, 2006, from the World Wide Web: http://www. symantec. com/avcenter/virus. backgrounder. html Heiser, Jay G. and Kruse II, Warren G. Computer Forensics: Tracking an Offender. Addison – Wesley Professional. Boston MA.

Organization That Helps The Disabled: United Cerebral Palsy Essay

â€Å"We strive to build a better world for tomorrow—today. † This is one of the missions of United Cerebral Palsy, a non-profit organization that helps people with cerebral palsy and other related disabilities. It is committed to bring out change and foster hope for disabled people. It is a national organization that has tons of affiliates and is considered to be one of America’s largest health charitable organizations. Cerebral palsy is a serious disability that should not be neglected. It is â€Å"a collection of motor disorders caused by brain damage that happens before, during, or after birth. 2 A child with cerebral palsy has abnormalities in movement patterns and demonstrates poor balance and coordination. Still, a person who is diagnosed with cerebral palsy should never lose hope. This is because the disorder is not a progressive one. This means that it is static and does not go worse as time goes by. There are medical treatments being given by experts to manage cerebral palsy and achieve maximum potential in growth and development. â€Å"Cerebral† pertains to the brain, and â€Å"palsy† means muscle weakness or poor control. 3 It is a disease which is not merely caused by malfunctioning of nerves or muscles. However, it can also result in muscle spasticity which may grow, worsen, or stay unchanged. Although it is a disease that cannot be cured, there are trainings and therapies that can help improve the functioning. 4 Through dedicated organizations such as the United Cerebral Palsy, these trainings, therapies, and additional services can be provided to patients who are afflicted with this disability, improving their lives as a result. United Cerebral Palsy was founded in the 1940’s during the time when people with cerebral palsy do not see a ray of hope to change their conditions. The said organization stressed that â€Å"there were not many options for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities and their families. †5 Most cases of cerebral palsy among families opted to confine the patient to institutions separated from the rest of the society. Parents of children with cerebral palsy who decided to keep their child inside their homes suffered from isolation, helplessness, and frustration. They had to endure this suffering until the year 1948, when the fate of cerebral palsy patients was changed through the aid of two New York families. Leonald Goldenson, the president of United Paramount Theater and ABC Television, together with his wife Isabelle, coordinated with Jack Hausman a prominent New York businessman and his wife Ethel. The two couples were blessed with children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The two families decided that they need to take action in order to improve their children’s quality of life. They made it possible by posting an ad in the New York Herald Tribune to encourage families who wanted change for their family members with cerebral palsy. The ad was received warmly by â€Å"hundreds of early parents of children with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. † Upon seeing the ad, they immediately responded it and decided to get actively involved in the crusade that the Goldensons and Hausmans started. 7 Hence, the National Foundation for Cerebral Palsy was founded. Around 12,000 people from various parts of the â€Å"United States, Canada, Europe, and South America† gathered to participate in the first ever Cerebral Palsy Conference. From its first name, it was changed to United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) and was recognized as a national organization in 1949. After that, many affiliates of UCP were established across America. The organization’s cause increased the public’s awareness on the truth behind cerebral palsy and what the organization can offer to families and people who are confronted by problems regarding developmental disabilities. UCP also caught the media’s attention, making the organization more known to many people. UCP is also composed of highly acclaimed people from the entertainment and political arena. This is an organization with a cause that used various means of letting the public know how it can support and be part of the fight to improve the lives of cerebral palsy patients. There were films that are produced to raise funds for the organization which starred famous celebrities such as John Wayne, Gene Kelly, Henry Fonda and Danny Thomas. 10 From such films, not only the public’s awareness about cerebral palsy was increased, the funding needed to support the movement was obtained as well. Marie Kilillea, one of UCP’s volunteer, wrote a novel entitled Karen which became a best seller in 1952 and has never been out of print ever since. Public school students of that time were required to read the novel in order to know more about cerebral palsy. The organization even managed to launch its first ever telethon entitled Celebrity Parade which discussed everything about cerebral palsy. The said program was aired for 15 hours and was able to raise funds summing up to a total of $972,106. 12 UCP faced several changes and challenges since the year it was founded until the present. It continuously brings hope to the disabled and encourages families to support each other and cooperate with the mission of UCP. In 1990, â€Å"UCP was a major leader in the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act which, for the first time, extends basic civil rights protections to persons with disabilities in the areas of employment, transportation, public accommodations and telecommunications†13. The organization’s website was launched in 1994, making it accessible for people all over the world. An award from the American Society of Association Executive’s prestigious Summit Award for its ADA Report Card on America and its impact on improving the lives of people with disabilities nationwide was also given to UCP, which brought more honor to the organization. For the succeeding years, television events, educational campaigns, and other public service announcements were made to popularize the organization and its mission. At present, UCP is now on its 58th year of service to the people with cerebral palsy and to the people who give their undying support to the patients. The United Cerebral Palsy mission statement is to â€Å"advance the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities through an affiliate network†14. The affiliates of UCP provide financial support to the organization, which is the primary source of the organizations’ funds. The financial statement of the organization can be accessed on their website to let the public know its assets and liabilities. Through the help of its affiliates, UCP offers its helping hand daily to over 170,000 disabled children and adults with disabilities and their families. 15 There are fund raising activities done to accumulate financial resources to support the organization’s needs. Aside from the money gathered from donors and members, there are also services including â€Å"housing, therapy, assistive technology training, early intervention programs, individual and family support, social and recreation programs, community living, state and local referrals, employment assistance and advocacy† given out to cerebral palsy patients and their families. 16 Interview Upon interviewing one of the staff members of UCP (whose name does not want to be mentioned), I was able to gain more knowledge of how the organization works and adheres to its mission. He confidently answered all of my questions about UCP and how people’s involvement is vital for the organization to achieve its goals. Without their help, the organization could not have lasted for many years. He is proud to say that UCP survived 58 years of service to people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities. It has inspired their families by helping them to accept the condition of their family member and by providing them the support and attention that they need. The USP does not stand today as it is because of the funds gathered and the services that were given. The dedication and commitment of each member, affiliate, and staff make UCP fulfills its mission. Because of organizations like USP, people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities can have a taste of normal life by creating a better and normal world for the patients. Conclusion In the case of United Cerebral Palsy, I can say that it is an organization with a heart. It aims to end the feeling of isolation and depression by people who suffer from cerebral palsy, as well as their families. It was founded to ease the burden carried by families who were separated from their family members with cerebral palsy. Through organizations such as UCP, the person with cerebral palsy can also achieve development without moving out of their homes and entering institutions. It is inspiring to know that there are people united by one mission to give a brighter future for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, as these people are often pitied, mocked, and bullied. Indeed, USP is an organization that is founded with love, devotion and care.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Imaginary Indian and the Noble Savage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Imaginary Indian and the Noble Savage - Essay Example ..collecting and displaying "Indian" objects and†¦"Indians" as objects or human specimens, constructing pseudo-Indians in literature...dominating or colonizing First Nations people†¦salvaging...material fragments of a supposedly dying native culture...† (p. 267). She notes that many modern Native Americans wanted to be â€Å"white† or at least not different, even as Native Americans are considered exotic. The â€Å"imaginary Indian†, then, is the mythological construct of the Native American (and, to an extent, aboriginal peoples in general) by people in the West who seek out what they want in this definition: Constructing the savage as violent and warlike if the goal is conquest, as shamanic and in touch with nature when Western anxieties over their own relationship to nature and God is being threatened or challenged. But the definition itself requires reference to other concepts, like â€Å"postmodernism†, or a challenge to unrestrained narrativ es of progress created by modernity; â€Å"fine arts institution†, itself an abstract concept based on cultural definitions of â€Å"fine art† dominated by social elites; â€Å"colonization†, or the intellectual and physical process of domination of other societies; and â€Å"hegemony†, or discursive dominance by established groups.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Disc Week Six Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disc Week Six - Essay Example A typical inductive reasoning relation to what Hacker describes would be the probability that it will be sunny at 12 noon. If for the case that the past three days it has been sunny at noon, then through generalization or inductive reasoning, then the fourth day would also be sunny. That is based on facts or a certain pattern that has occurred sequentially over a period of time. So upon collected facts that for three days it has been sunny, we can be assured to make a concrete assumption that the same will occur on the fourth day. Thus this is defined as inductive reasoning. Another assumption would be generalizing that an employee from company MMM who resides far from the work place will always come to work 30 minutes late. The assumption is that, if the employee has reported to work late on several instances that means through the generalization theorem, it’s probable that they are likely to do a repeat of same. The main motion behind inductive reasoning is that the assumption is based on a set of facts that have been previously encountered and the end product is a general

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Human Activities on Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Activities on Environment - Essay Example Human global population has tripled since 1936. The increase of population and growth of technology have jointly given rise to globalization. Human activity is the main cause of the current decline in the biosphere's rich diversity and productivity that support all life on earth. The global economy has sapped the meaning, value and significance of constraints of nature. Strawberries can be purchased in the mid of winter, thus we do not have to wait for the summers to come. In big cities, the ecosystem services of cleaning air and water, and decomposing sewage are controlled by humans with economical power. The sense of local has been destroyed by the globalization of telecommunications and politics. The lack of natural constraints has allowed humans, the superspecies to grow beyond the nature’s capacity. In the later half of the 20th century, the notion of environmentalism emerged with the increase of environmental pollution of all sorts caused by human activities. Proposed so lutions required humans to decide what to remove from and what to restore in the environment and make regulations accordingly. Much of the human perception about science is shaped by the results of lab experiments that are mere imitations of reality and can not imitate the context in which things happen in the nature.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Read the case study about Cottage Condiments and answer the 4 Essay

Read the case study about Cottage Condiments and answer the 4 questions as a report - Essay Example The major strength for Cottage Condiment is that it produces naturally flavoured products. The products are made from natural fruits and plants which give them a natural flavour. The products are also lowly priced hence making affordable to consumers in the market. Additionally the business is offering a wide range of products including pickles, chutney and relish of different flavors such as peach and ginger, traditional apple, plum and ripe tomato (Hollyoake, 2009, p. 45). Cottage Condiment products have a strong presence in the local market. This is evident from the number of sales that the business is making on a daily basis. The strengths provide a solid foundation for the business to expand into a wider market. The major weakness of Cottage Condiment is that its managers have very little knowledge in business. Jon Wright is a retired engineer who has never engaged in business at any point of his life. His wife also has very little experience in the operations of a business. The owners of the business are retired and have little capital to finance its expansion (Hollyoake, 2009, p. 55). This may curtail the operations and expansion of the business. The market for pickles, chutney and relish has recorded a consistent growth in the last three years. This is a wonderful opportunity for the business to attract a significant portion of the market. The growing demand for Cottage Condiment products in the local market is also an opportunity for the business to expand its operations and serve a larger market. Competition from established businesses such as supermarkets is the greatest threat that Cottage Condiment faces. This may make it harder for the business to grow and serve a larger market because it is already occupied by established businesses. The other threat is the unpredictable market performance which makes it risky to expand in an uncertain market. The UK has a stable political environment that is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Competition Mergers of Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Competition Mergers of Companies - Essay Example It provides communication and entertainment answers to the majority of countries in the European Union. CaixaBank is a financial enterprise that is controlled entirely by the La Caixa Group of companies. It is the parent company of La Caixa Companies that deal with banking and other related activities. It mainly operates in Spain and other European countries and the international presence are felt through strategic alliances with key financial institutions. Banco Santander is the main company of the Banco Group of companies that deals major in international banking. It is active in retail banking, asset management, insurance and investment banking in most of the European Countries. Telefonica, CaixaBank and Banco Santander merge to form a new company. The companies are the notifying parties in the creation of Newco. The notifying companies provide the relevant documents that are used in the merger control of the joint venture. Newco will be active in Spain and it will develop an ecosystem that will be able to offer its members with numerous services. The services will be available online and will be accessible by many individuals online. Each of the Notifying parties will hold equal shareholding in Newco. They will have equal chances to exercise control over the company. It means that they will have a joint control over the Newco. Newco is expected to perform the functions of an economic enterprise in Spain. There will be a management team that will be run the day to day activities of the company. The management team will have access to the resources of the company that include finance and the assets of the company. The company will provide online services to numerous individuals in Spain. The services will include digital advertising services that will provide a chance to individuals in the digital world to advertise their products. The virtual community will be able to able to interact online and provide mobile-based couponing and loyalty services.     

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Organisation of Engineering Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Organisation of Engineering Business - Essay Example They offer these services both in the private and the public sector (Interforum, 2003). D&W provides services in several development sector including energy performance and analysis, site infra structure and master planning, in the commercial and residential establishments, and in the health and the education centre. Apart from where their offices are located, D&W has also carried out work in Russia, United Arab Emirates, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. D&W has recently received the ISO 14001 accreditation because of a balanced approach towards sustainable development and socially responsible design in all their projects. They attempt to create inherently low energy buildings and use low carbon technology as a vital part of the modern design. Because of their contribution towards a greener environment, D&W has received The Green Organization Award from for the year 2009. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to a sustainable environment. D&W has also invested in information technology, which is essential for their core business. Until 1994, technology was used only sparingly but the management realized that technology could help to streamline its business processes. This in turn would help them to provide enhanced service to their customers. To improve staff communication, they installed a Wide Area Network (WAN) which could link its computers and the telecommunication system across all its offices (UKonline, 2003). All the sites now work as a team, exchanging information, and they also use technology to discuss CAD drawings with clients. The company has substantially reaped the benefits of their IT investment. It has helped to reduce their print and travel cost by  £500 per month (Interforum, 2003). Because of their ability to share information, productivity has enhanced by 20 percent. The process of change at D&W has been incremental and has not taken

Multicultural Education Final Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Multicultural Education Final Project - Essay Example The key points of the Constructivist learning theory that make it useful for differentiation in teaching are that it: (1) helps students from different cultural and social backgrounds to interact more naturally; (2) provides a common ground for learning to take place; and (3) helps students to think and be creative, which is one of the important learning objectives I have in my math classes (EBC, 2007; Matthews, 2003). Analyzing the underlying principles show how the theory supports my approach to differentiation. With its emphasis on big concepts that begin with the whole and expanding to include the parts, constructivism provides the intellectual foundation that allows the students coming from diverse cultural and personal backgrounds to grasp concepts of working together, sharing common goals, and appreciating differences. This mindset is useful to guide students - many of whom are traumatized by immigration, the challenge of a new culture, and coping with family problems - to work towards achieving grand objectives and see the part everyone plays in it. By giving value to student questions and interests, the constructivist learning theory helps the students develop self-esteem by making them realize that personal differences make them unique, and that these differences play an important role in the learning process and in fostering unity and agreement within a multicultural environment. The interactivity of learning builds on what students know from their own backgrounds and personal experiences. While I use typical examples from American culture to teach mathematics, I encourage students to use examples from their own cultures to enhance a familiar feel by not completely detaching students from their unique histories. I find this useful when dealing with students coming from cultures of oppression and inferiority, emphasizing for example that while respect for authority is an important value, it needs to be balanced with other values important in a democratic society, such as formation of individuality, love for freedom, and the n eed to establish and achieve high standards (Glatthorn, 1999, p. 5). Unique personal learning is encouraged by the constructivist principle of dialogue with students aimed at helping them construct their own personal knowledge. The teacher's interactive role, rooted in negotiation, helps students acquire life skills that are crucial for their futures. The emphasis on group work reinforces the interaction of the students among themselves so they develop the abilities of self-expression, independent thinking, and understanding differences in viewpoints, all cornerstones of American society. Constructivism's emphasis on process, observations, and tests and the recognition that knowledge is dynamic and changes with personal experience are useful in developing in students the habits of lifelong learning, experimental daring, and the curiosity to learn more about the world around them. Since each culture has unique world views, constructivism helps everyone learn from the different ways people view and learn from the world. This does not mean that Instructivism, the ideological opposite of constructivism, does not contain good points that are useful in making education in a diversified classroom more effective. The Instructivist emphases on developing basic skills, having a well-planned curriculum, the value of repetition, the recognition of the teacher's authority, teaching correct answers, and fostering learning independence

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Decision support systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Decision support systems - Essay Example formation technology in the business and corporate structures is to enhance the overall corporate performance and enhanced management of the business data. This paper presents the most valuable business and corporate information technology systems regarding the better and effective business decision making that is known as the decision support systems (DSS). The main intention of this research is to offer a deep and compliance overview of the decision support systems (DSS) and its implementation in the effective corporate working and operational structure management. This paper will outline the basic system definitions, emergence, potential implementation areas and operational examples. According to (Turban, Leidner and McLean 18), an information system collects, processes, stores, evaluates, and distributes information for a particular function. Similar to any other system, an information system consists of inputs (such as instructions and data) and outputs (reports, calculations). It performs operations on the inputs by using technology like PCs and develops outputs that are delivered to users or to other systems by means of electronic networks (Turban, Leidner and McLean 18). In addition, â€Å"the term information system can be described technically as a collection of interrelated components that bring together, process, store, and distribute information to carry decision making and control in an organization† Information systems keep and maintain information about important people, places, and things inside the corporation or in the set up surrounding it (Laudon and Laudon 7) and (Hoffer, Prescott and McFadden 429). Also, a management information system is a function or use of information system that offers for management oriented reporting. These reports are typically developed or produced on a predetermined schedule and come out in a prearranged structure (Whitten, Bentley and Dittman 47). According to (Whitten, Bentley and Dittman 47), a decision support

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Boston Tea Party Essay Example for Free

The Boston Tea Party Essay The Boston Tea Party was protested by American colonists. They stood up against Great Britain. In this paper i will closely examine the boston tea party. The hard-fought American Revolution against Britain (1775-1783) was the first modern war of liberation against a colonial power. The thirteen American colonies wanted to be free from rule by Great Britain. The war was resulted with the victory of this thirteen colonies, and Americans reached to the independance. American Revolution is a result of forcing American Colonies to pay more and more taxes by King of England, George III, and this will be the starting point of a new civilization. There were too many acts before the revolution get started. These are Sedicion Act, Alien Act, Quebec Act, Tea Act and Sugar Act. The most important act is Tea Act. The occurrence of the Boston Tea Party on 16 December 1773 was perhaps the most significant event in the period of disagreements between the British Government and American Colonists from 1763 to 1774. It effectively came about when Lord North decided to allow the East India Tea Company to sell tea in America through agents, rather than the traditional public auction system. For financial and political reasons, the Colonists opposed this new development and the crisis exploded at the port of Boston when 90,000 pounds of tea were thrown into the harbour. Whether justified or not, the Colonists felt the British Government were taking away their right to govern themselves. From that point until mid 1772, The Revolution was still unlikely, calmer heads had prevailed despite the undying efforts of Massachusetts native and cousin of John Adams, Samuel Adams. Sam Adams traveled throughout Massachusetts and the Colonies establishing what he called Committees of Correspondence and called for a formal separation from Britain. These Committees were designed to provide a superior communications system between the separate Colonies. Then, beginning in June 1772, a number of events took place which carried all Americans, whether they willed it or not, across the line from malcontent, to revolution, and eventual freedom. One evening in June, near the port of Providence, in Rhode Island the British schooner Gaspee grounded herself and was set upon by a group of Colonists who put ashore English crew and then burn her to the waterline. In the following months Virginia and a number of other colonies establish official Committees of Correspondence in order to keep other colonies appraised of English activities in their respective lands. In May the English passed the Tea Tax, granting a virtual monopoly to the East India Tea Company in order to bail it out of debt and thereby avoid a massive domestic economic tragedy. The tea is not only taxed higher than before, but now the East India Tea Company is able to price gouge without any threat of competition or governmental retribution. All over America, mass meetings are held in regard to what should be done about the tax. Following two meetings in Boston where Royal Governor Hutchinson orders the citizenry to pay the tea tax. On the night following the second meeting, Sam Adams an a number of his followers attacked the tea freighters in Boston harbor. Disguised as Native Americans, they overpowered the crews and threw their loads of tea into Boston harbor. This event was to become known as the Boston Tea Party. In Annapolis, Maryland a similar event occurred resulting in the burning of both ships and cargoes. (â€Å"Prelude to Revolution†The American Pageant) In response to the Boston Tea Party, an enraged parliament passed the Intolerable Acts of 1774. They were designed to punish the whole of Massachusetts, and especially Boston. Worst of all was the Boston Port Act which closed Boston harbor until the lost cargoes were paid for and order was fully restored to the city. Coinciding with the ratification of the Intolerable Acts was the passing of the Quebec Act. The Quebec Act was a skilled move by the English to appease the conquered French in Canada. It allowed them to retain their old customs, the Catholic Religion, and gain large tracts of land extending all the way south to the head of the Ohio River. In French Quebec, it was not expected that people would be able to elect legislative assemblies nor that a jury would be hired for civil cases, the British kept this aspect of the French-Canadian government and was seen by the Quebeckers as just and fair. To the Americans who valued their juries, suffrage, western lands, and often despised Catholicism, it was seen as yet another attack on them and their liberties. It seemed clear in the Colonies that the time for action had arrived. (â€Å"Prelude to Revolution† The American Pageant â€Å"The Revolutionary War†) On March 5, 1770, a mob of Bostonians harassed Red Coat guards outside a customs house and when the harassment became unbearable, a soldier opened fire and the others followed suit. This event, the Boston Massacre, inspired one of the most effective pieces of patriotic propaganda that were becoming popular in newspapers. Paul Revere created an engraving depicting that night showing how brutal the Red Coats were, although it was the colonists who instigated it. These propagandas were important because they influenced the common beliefs of what would define patriotic Americans. The Bostonians were against the new Tea Act, which put a heavy tax on tea. One night, a group called the Sons of Liberty led by such patriots as Samuel Adams, Paul Revere and John Adams, dressed up like Indians a dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. This famous night called the Boston Tea Party infuriated the British government who demanded that Massachusetts pay for the lost tea. When Massachusetts refused, Britain punished Boston with the Intolerable Acts. The ports of Boston were shut from any ships coming or going. The town meetings were forbidden. Boston was put under martial law and any soldier who misbehaved was to be sent to England to be tried because Britain thought they would not get fair trial in America. The Americans perceived this as the Englishmen getting away with their wrong doings because they were unlikely to be convicted in London. The Americans began to call George III a tyrant. The Sons of Liberty were the first to talk about separation and were the biggest threat to British sovereignty. They began to lose a respected connection with England and would rather govern themselves like Mather Byles who would prefer to be ruled by his own countrymen (black, j 1994). Within a month after Boston was shut down, Virginia contacted the other colonies to meet in Philadelphia. Five people were killed by British soldiers, and Britain’s harsh military tactics also angered the colonists, because even those who were not involved in revolutionary tactics were accused of rebelling against the British. The Boston Massacre exemplifies how British military measures backfired and allowed the colonists to gain a sense of unity in working towards a common goal of independence. Therefore, militarization was also a factor which led colonists to the outbreak of war with Britain, and help towards the dispute between the Britain and its American colonies. The boston tea party led to the so first Continental Congress. Fifty-six delegates assembled at Philadelphia and talked about the issue with Boston. The colonies gathered supplies to be sent and help relieve the citizens of Boston (Black, J 1994). This was a sign of unity and concern for their fellow colonies. During the Continental Congress, the delegates wrote another Declaration of Right and Grievances asking that all laws passed by Parliament after 1763 be repealed. George III wouldn’t even receive the document though. They also began to prepare their military by organizing their militias, gathering weapons and training men. They also established the Continental Association which would not trade with Britain. The American were uniting against there new common foe and becoming Americans (David, D 1990). In the events that led up to the revolution, a sense of unity was definitely acquired, but an American identity was not as prevalent. Although there was a strong opposition to the British government, it did not represent the entire population of the American colonies. Colonists felt the British were trying to take the power away from their colonial assemblies to govern them. They were also angry because they believed they should not be taxed simply to raise revenue for Britain. Therefore, in conclusion, I think that rhetoric of liberty and representation were the predominant issues in the dispute between Britain and American colonies, between 1763 to 1776. Who was to blaim for the boston tea party and the ensuing masacre is up for debate. However, other factors also had an important part, but all of the other factors which have been looked at above, always angered the American colonies because they felt these factors took away the colonists liberty, and felt that it wasn’t fair for Britain to have such control over them if the colonies had no representation. Works cited 1 Black,Jeremy. War For America. New York:St. Martin’s Press,1994 2 Davis,David Brion. Rvolutions. London:Harvard Universtiy Press,1990 3 The American Pageant. Prelude to Revolution 4 From Revolution to Reconstruction. Common Sense Index I. (odur. let. rug. nl/~usa/D/1776-1800/paine/CM/sense01. htm)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Analysis Of Nespressos Strategy

An Analysis Of Nespressos Strategy Since 1970, Nestlà © has been endeavoring to search for a brand-new method in order to meet the rapidly growing demands of the gourmet specialty coffee. After an effort of many years development and preparation, the Nespresso System was founded in 1986 along with a lot of patents. After that, Nespresso gradually grew to represent a unique coffee concept designed to enable anyone to create the perfect cup of espresso. The irreplaceable Nespresso â€Å"trilogy â€Å"unites the worlds highest quality Grand Crcoffees with smart and stylish machines and exclusive, personalized services. Table 1: Impressive continuous growth 2000 2009 2010 Turnover in CHF 210million 2.77billion 3.20billion Cups per minute 868 10,000 12,300 Coffee Systems MS%(Units) 6% 19.5% 20% Global Club Community 600,000 8million 10million Global Boutique Network 1 191 223 Nespresso Employees* 331 4,500 5,500 *70% in direct contact with Nespresso customers In 2010, Nespresso reached sales of more than CHF 3 billion with a growth above 20% compared to the year of 2009. 12,300 cups of coffee were consumed every minute. Additionally, Nespresso keeps doing well in generating its leading market share in coffee machines to about 20%. Moreover, the number of the Nespresso Club Members has been increased by over 20% to 10 million. In order to deliver and retain its exclusive personalized services, 1000 more employees were recruited by the company; more than 70% of the 5,500 staffs are facing the customers in direct contact. In 2010, Nespresso started a series of expansion, with 32 more new boutiques opened in Brussels, Miami, Shanghai and Sydney, from Europe to Asia; so far Nespresso has 223 boutiques in total all over the world. Consequently, 63% of the markets are occupied by the Europe, and the rest is divided into Americas and Asia. Winning Strategy Nespresso is becoming a global player and always wants to be outstanding of the competitors. In order to enhance their competitive advantages as well as building on their core competences, Nespresso has been working on the strategy for the past two decades. As a result, thanks to the creation and perseverance of the formula, the company is now as a pioneer and one of the fastest growing operating units of the Nestlà © Group. There are six crucial factors attributes to the success story of Nespresso, these include: Unsurpassed coffee quality and coffee specialists. The company has its own unique sourcing of finest coffee around the world. For many years, the Nespresso coffee experts have been exploring the world in search of the best coffees from the best producer countries, including Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil, Togo, Kenya and so forth. According to their findings, only the top one to two percent of the worlds green coffee crop meets the Nespressos high quality standards. At the same time, the company makes every effort to build long-lasting and mutually beneficial relationships with the local farmers who produce these precious beans. Table 2: Nespresso Quality+ Aroma Profile Unstoppable drive for innovation distinctive design Nestlà © is always in pursuit of the perfect products with the creative ideas. From the perfectly portioned Grand Crcoffee, the advanced coffee machine to the creation of the Nespresso Club, the company is obsessed about innovative and distinctive minds, compulsive about the fine details and passionate about the combination of high technology and avant-garde design. To date, the brand owns more than 1,700 patents. Passionate global brand community with direct consumer relations Nespresso is expanding their network over the globe. Currently, according to the companys annual report, the statistic shows that more than fifty percent of all new Nespresso Club Members first experience the brand through existing members. Update to the year of 2010, the total number of Nespresso Club Members worldwide has increased sharply from 600,000 in 2001 to more than 10 million, with an incredible amount of 2 million new members added in 2009 alone. Inspiration, iconic global brand The involvement of George Clooney makes Nespresso become the most charming and attractive coffee brand overnight. The slogan can be seen everywhere: Nespresso, what else? It seems that, for true coffee lovers, perfect coffee is not just an indulgence, it is a lifestyle. That is the main idea Nespresso trying to convey to their loyal clients. As a result, Nespresso has become the first global roast and ground coffee brand, moreover, since 2008 it is among the top 20 risers in brand value ranking. Exclusive route-to-market Table 3: Nespressos Sales in% by channel Internet 50% Customers Relation Centre 20% Boutique 30% Nespresso has the biggest shop window: It is recorded that everyday seven millions visits in 2009 with an average time spent of 6 minutes. Consumers can purchase coffee, machines and accessories through the internet without any difficulties in terms of payment or customer service. In addition, the existing 223 boutiques are now possible for all the fans to go and enjoy the perfect espresso. Holistic approach to Sustainable QualityTM development The remarkable â€Å"Creating Shared Value† is the the Nestle Group key principle and obviously Nespresso is a loyal supporter. To further development, Nespresso carries out the strategy of Ecolaboration. The Nespresso EcolaborationTM aims to improve the sustainability performance of the Nespresso value chain. Under this circumstance, Nespresso brings their partners, stakeholders and also the coffee producers (local farmers) together to achieve a goal of the perfect fusion of: highest quality beans, economic viability, and respect the environment. There are three commitments the Nespresso is trying to achieve by the year of 2013: Source 80% of the coffee from Nespresso AAA Sustainable QualityTM Program certified by Rainforest Alliance (achieved 60% in 2010 already) Triple the ability to recycle the used capsules to 75% (achieved 60% in 2010 already) Reduce the CO2 footprint per cup by 20% (between 2009 and 2013) Conclusion Looking to the future, there are still many growing issues waiting for Nespresso to face with. For the moment, the strategy leader team needs to concern about five key issues: How to attract new customers (â€Å"away-from-home† V.S home consumption); Whether to introduce lower-cost system, compare to the current competitors; How to wider the market and then serve; Whether to invest in non-coffee market, diversify the products; How to gain an advantage over a competitor.

Dreams In Aboriginal Beliefs

Dreams In Aboriginal Beliefs Like other religions, Aboriginal belief includes when things were created. They believe that their Ancestral Beings created land forms and animals plants. The Aboriginal word for this Creation Period varies according to each linguistic region throughout Australia. Aboriginal people often interpret dreams as being the memory of things that happened in this Creation Period. Dreams are important to Aboriginal people as it is a time when they are transformed back to their ancestral time. This connection of dreams to to the Creation Period has led to the commonly used term The Dreamtime to describe the time of creation in Aboriginal religion. The Dreamtime does not mean that a person is dreaming but it is a reference to the Creation Period. Definition of Dreaming The Dreamtime, or the Dreaming as it is sometimes referred to as, has no beginning or end but links the past with the present to determine the future. Dreaming stories explain the truth from the past together with a Code of Law for the present. The Dreaming or Tjukurrpa also means to see and understand the law as translated from the Arrernte language. Dreaming stories pass on important knowledge, cultural values and belief systems to later generations. Aborigines have maintained a link with the Dreaming from ancient times by expressing dreaming stories through song, dance, painting and story telling. Every part of Aboriginal culture is full of legends and beings associated with the Dreamtime. Each tribe has many stories, often containing a moral or a lesson to be learned, about duties, animals, plants and other beings. These stories are told to children, talked about campfires, and are sung and acted out during ceremonies. The Dreaming means our identity as people. The cultural teaching and everything thats part of our lives here you know? .. its the understanding of what we have around us. (Merv Penrith Elder, Wallaga Lake, 1996) Today we know where the Ancestral Beings have been and where they came to rest. The Dreaming explains how people came to Australia and the links between the groups throughout Australia. Connection between Dreaming, Land and Identity In essence, the Dreaming comes from the land. In Aboriginal society people do not own land but rather the land is part of them and it is their duty to respect and look after the land. The Dreaming did not cease when the Europeans arrived in Australia but just entered a different phase. Dreaming stories connect theories of occupation to the Aborigines close relationship with the land. This is often described by Aboriginal people when they talk about the land as my Mother. Aboriginal people believe that the same spirits who created the land, sea, waterways and life are involved with the conception and birth of a child. There is a direct link between Ancestral Beings and life. Land is fundamental to the well-being of Aboriginal people. For Aborigines the land is not just rocks or soil or minerals but it is the whole environment that sustains the people and is sustained by the people and culture. For Aboriginal people the land is the centre of all spirituality. This relationship between the land and the people continues to be central to the issues that are important to Aboriginal people today. Australian Aborigines were originally hunters and gathers with each clan or tribe having its own territory from which they gathered all they needed to live. These territories or traditional lands were contained by geographic boundaries such as rivers, lakes and mountains. Aboriginal people understood and cared for the different environments and adapted to them. Example of a Dreaming Creation story and significance to Aboriginal people Once the Ancestor Beings had created the world they changed the stars, rocks, watering holes and other objects into sacred places. These sacred places have special properties. The Ancestral Beings did not disappear at the end of the Dreaming but, according to Aboriginal belief, they remained in these sacred places. This concept of the presence of the Ancestral Beings with the land reinforces the idea that the Dreaming is never ending and links the past and the present, the people and the land. Our story is in the land . it is written in those sacred places . My children will look after those places. Thats the law. (Bill Neidjie, Kakadu Elder) The Creation or Dreaming stories, which relate the travels of the spiritual ancestors, are integral to Aboriginal spirituality. Mens and womens stories are often separated in Aboriginal culture. Knowledge of the law and Dreaming stories is passed on at different periods of life for Aboriginal people. The serpent as a Creation Being is perhaps the oldest continuing religious belief in the world. It dates back several thousand years. The Rainbow Serpent is part of Dreamtime stories of many Aboriginal nations and is always linked with watercourses such as billabongs, rivers, creeks and lagoons. The Rainbow Serpent is the protector of the land, its people and the source of all life. However, the Rainbow Serpent can also be a force that destroys if it is not respected. The most common version of the Rainbow Serpent story relates that during the Dreaming the world was flat, bare and cold. The Rainbow Serpent slept under the ground with all the animals tribes in her belly waiting to be born. When the time came she pushed up and called all the animals to come from their sleep. She pushed the land out, making rivers and lakes. She made the sun, the fire and all the colours. The Gagudju people believe the Rainbow Serpent was called Almudji and was a major creature being. It made passages through rocks and created waterholes. Today they believe, Almudji is still a creator as it brings the wet season each year. This causes all forms of life to multiply and it appears in the sky as a rainbow. However, they also believe that Almudji is also to be feared as he can punish anyone who breaks the law by drowning them in floods. The Gagudju people still believe that Almudji lives in a pool under a waterfall. The Jowoyn people of the Katherine Gorge area of the Northern Territory relate how the Rainbow Serpent slept under the ground until she awoke in the Dreaming. She pushed her way to the surface and travelled the land, sleeping when she was tired. She left behind her winding tracks and the imprint of her sleeping body on the ground. When she had finished travelling the earth she returned and called all the frogs to come out but they were slow because their bellies were full of water. The Rainbow Serpent tickled their bellies and when they laughed, water flowed out their mouths and filled the tracks and hollows left by the Rainbow Serpent, so creating rivers and lakes. This woke all the animals and plants who then followed the Rainbow Serpent across the land. Traditional Aboriginal rituals and significance of these to Aboriginal people Ceremonial ceremonies are seen as the core of cultural life for Aboriginal people. Small ceremonies, or rituals, are still practised in some remote areas of Australia. These rituals take the form of chanting, singing, dancing or ritual action to ask the Ancestral Beings to ensure a good supply of food or rain. The most important ceremonies are connected to initiation of boys and girls into adulthood. These ceremonies can last for weeks with nightly singing and dancing, story telling and use of body decorations and ceremonial objects. During the ceremonies, songs and dances about Ancestral Beings are told. Some of these are for women and children to see and hear while others are restricted just to initiates to learn. Another important ritual is on the death of a person. Aboriginal people cover their bodies with white paint, cut themselves to show sorrow for the loss of their loved one and take part in a number of rituals, songs and dances to help the persons spirit leave and return to its birth place where it can be reborn. Burial rites differ throughout Australia. People are buried in parts of southern and central Australia but have a different burial in northern Australia. In northern Australia a burial has two stages with each accompanied by ritual and ceremony. The primary burial takes place when the body is placed on a raised wooden platform, covered with leaves and branches and left for several months so the flesh rots from the bones. The secondary burial occurs when the bones are collected, painted with red ochre and then scattered in different ways. Sometimes a relative will carry some of the bones with them for a year or more. Sometimes they are wrapped in paperbark and placed in a cave. In parts of Arnhem Land the bones are placed in a large hollow log and left in the bush. Conclusion All parts of Aboriginal culture contain many legends and beings associated with the Creation Period or Dreamtime. Each tribe has its own stories, often with a lesson to be learned from the story, about the Creation Period spirits, animals, plants and other beings. These stories are told to children and at different ceremonies throughout the life of an Aborigine to ensure that the Dreamtime is passed on to each generation.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

J.P. Morgan Essay -- essays research papers

J.P. Morgan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When people talk about J.P. Morgan, they often refer to one man. The J.P. Morgan dynasty was in fact a combined effort of three generations of Morgans. In 1838, American businessman George Peabody opened the London merchant banking firm that would establish the roots of the House of Morgan. In 1854, Junius S. Morgan became the partner of George Peabody and eventually took over the firm in 1864, renaming it J.S. Morgan & Co. At the age of twenty four, J. Pierpont Morgan inherited his father’s business, renamed the business to J.P. Morgan & Co., and made a point to consolidate the firm’s American and European interests. Under Pierpont’s authority, J.P. Morgan & Co. had a great impact on enterprises such as railroads, steel, mining, and other utilities that helped establish the United States as an industrial power. The personality of J. Peirpont Morgan is best described in a statement he made to the U.S. Congressional banking committee in 1912. à ¢â‚¬Å"The first thing is character†¦before money or anything else. Money cannot buy it†¦because a man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It should also be noted that in 1868, the Paris banking firm Drexel, Harjes & Co. was formed. Pierpont became a partner in 1871 and the firm was later renamed Morgan, Harjes & Co.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Five years after his father’s death, ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Legalize Pot :: essays research papers

The Decriminalization of Cannabis   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cannabis Sativa, the illegal strain of hemp known as marijuana, provides numerous benefits that greatly outweigh the harmful effects of the drug. The perceivable physical and social problems of excessive use of marijuana are severe, yet unproven. These problems are easily related to those posed by excessive alcohol consumption on a regular basis. There are a variety of advantages of the legalization of marijuana that can be categorized as medical, social, and economical improvements. Although the harmful side effects such as brain damage caused by the use of marijuana have not been proven, as the only government licensed testing for this effect was unmercifully biased, the advantages of the drug in a medical context have been repeatedly proven. Marijuana is known to slow the influences of diseases including AIDS, glaucoma, epilepsy, certain forms of cancer, and many more fatal and incurable ailments. Currently, approximately 150,000 citizens of Ontario alone suffer from diseases that marijuana would help to lessen, but due to the stringency of federal and provincial laws only 50 of these people are granted exemption. The war on drugs endangers us all. Police react towards the age groups who are commonly rumoured to use these drugs severely. The sad fact is that crime is induced by the actions of law officials. People are forced to very dangerously smuggle marijuana in and out of the country. Sales of the drug have seeped into every tiny crevice of our communities. This could be stopped almost instantly with the licensing of sales in stores and specialized cafà ©s. Also, it is rumoured that marijuana is a gateway drug to harder, more dangerous substances like cocaine and heroin. The reasoning behind this is that a large portion of hard drug users smoked marijuana before advancing to harder drugs. The flaw in this reasoning is that the majority of marijuana users have never before used hard drugs. The nation's economy would undoubtedly be one of the largest beneficiaries of the legalization of marijuana. By adding steep tariffs on import, export, and sales of marijuana, Canada’s revenue would be increased greatly, adding money that could go towards lowering taxes, lowering the national debt, and increasing healthcare and national security. The prices of marijuana, despite the high taxes, would be significantly lowered due to the decrease of danger from prosecution. The current street prices of marijuana range from $150 to $250 per ounce of low-grade bud.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nurse Practitioner

Yaidelyn Alonso SLS1125: Matos 4/20/12 Nurses: â€Å"Caring Today For A Healthier Tomorrow† Growing up in a house hold of medical personnel, such as my mother and my aunt and other close relatives has really inspired me to become a Nurse Practitioner, but most of all my inspiration has come due to the death of my father. I want to help patients who may have false hope, who may think that there’s nothing anyone can do, I want to give patients hope, and I will devote my life to make a difference in the medical field.Although it won’t be easy, I know there will be obstacles I have to overcome, I think anything is possible if you persevere and if you commit yourself to do something that you love. At the end of the day you made at least one person’s life more enjoyable and filled them with hope, that’s what I’ll be thinking every night before I lay my head on my pillow. A Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse with advanced training in diagnosin g and treating illnesses. Nurse Practitioners prescribe medication which usually RN’s cannot do, as well as treat illnesses, and administer physical exams.The difference between an NP and a physician is that they focus on prevention, wellness and education. To be more specific Nurse Practitioners may specialize in either Neonatal Care with new born and baby’s or Geriatric Health, Adult Health, Oncology, Family Health and Psychiatric/Mental Health. Personally I love trauma centers and the Emergency Room, I’m quick on my feet and I do not like standing around, I like a job that challenges me and keeps me occupied.As a Nurse Practitioner you can sub-specialize in different areas and lately I’ve been very interested in Oncology. To be very brief my father passed away due to cancer in his liver, I want to help and provide my utmost help to those with cancer like his, I want to make someone’s day a little brighter no matter how sick they really feel. I d on’t just want to be a healthcare personnel I want to be the difference in someone’s life, I want patients to have faith in me because I won’t fail to care to there every need.In order to become an NP there’s certain qualifications you need to abide by and of course you first must finish you AA and your bachelors in Registered Nursing. As a current student in Miami Dade College I’ve researched and spoke with counselors that have guided me into the classes I must take to even get into the nursing program. Such as the basics chemistry and human growth and development, as well as Anatomy 1 and Anatomy 2, it’s not just taking the classes but about passing them with extraordinary grades and graduate with your AA and a really good GPA.After graduating with my AA I plan to transfer to FIU and further my studies, they have a great Nursing program, as soon as I graduate with my bachelors degree I will continue to get my masters and broaden my knowled ge in my studies. To be a nurse practitioner, you need to have a graduate degree, such as a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). The current minimum education needed to work as a Nurse Practitioner is a MSN degree, which takes 3-4 years to complete, depending on your specialty.Many colleges and universities prefer you have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) for entry into this graduate program, while other schools allow a bachelor's degree in another field if you are a registered nurse. In further detail In order to become an oncology nurse specialist, I will need to learn specific cancer care skills through coursework, clinical practice or continuing education. After gaining enough knowledge and on-the-job experience, I then can take an exam to become an Oncology Certified Nurse.To become an oncology nurse practitioner, I will also need to complete a  Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree, typically obtained through a 2-year program of g raduate study. As an oncology nurse practitioner, I will need at least 500 hours of supervised clinical practice in oncology to be eligible to take the certification examination to become an Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner (AOCNP). Certification is required in many states such as Florida. As with all  nursing careers, the demand for oncology nurses practitioner is expected to increase significantly over the next ten years.This is especially true because the vast majority of cancers are diagnosed in people over 55, making oncology nurses critically necessary! The median expected salary for a typical  Nurse Practitioner  in the  United States  is  $90,531. Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, It requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter's or sculptor's work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God's spirit? It is one of the Fine A rts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts. – Florence Nightingale Nurse Practitioner Yaidelyn Alonso SLS1125: Matos 4/20/12 Nurses: â€Å"Caring Today For A Healthier Tomorrow† Growing up in a house hold of medical personnel, such as my mother and my aunt and other close relatives has really inspired me to become a Nurse Practitioner, but most of all my inspiration has come due to the death of my father. I want to help patients who may have false hope, who may think that there’s nothing anyone can do, I want to give patients hope, and I will devote my life to make a difference in the medical field.Although it won’t be easy, I know there will be obstacles I have to overcome, I think anything is possible if you persevere and if you commit yourself to do something that you love. At the end of the day you made at least one person’s life more enjoyable and filled them with hope, that’s what I’ll be thinking every night before I lay my head on my pillow. A Nurse Practitioner is a registered nurse with advanced training in diagnosin g and treating illnesses. Nurse Practitioners prescribe medication which usually RN’s cannot do, as well as treat illnesses, and administer physical exams.The difference between an NP and a physician is that they focus on prevention, wellness and education. To be more specific Nurse Practitioners may specialize in either Neonatal Care with new born and baby’s or Geriatric Health, Adult Health, Oncology, Family Health and Psychiatric/Mental Health. Personally I love trauma centers and the Emergency Room, I’m quick on my feet and I do not like standing around, I like a job that challenges me and keeps me occupied.As a Nurse Practitioner you can sub-specialize in different areas and lately I’ve been very interested in Oncology. To be very brief my father passed away due to cancer in his liver, I want to help and provide my utmost help to those with cancer like his, I want to make someone’s day a little brighter no matter how sick they really feel. I d on’t just want to be a healthcare personnel I want to be the difference in someone’s life, I want patients to have faith in me because I won’t fail to care to there every need.In order to become an NP there’s certain qualifications you need to abide by and of course you first must finish you AA and your bachelors in Registered Nursing. As a current student in Miami Dade College I’ve researched and spoke with counselors that have guided me into the classes I must take to even get into the nursing program. Such as the basics chemistry and human growth and development, as well as Anatomy 1 and Anatomy 2, it’s not just taking the classes but about passing them with extraordinary grades and graduate with your AA and a really good GPA.After graduating with my AA I plan to transfer to FIU and further my studies, they have a great Nursing program, as soon as I graduate with my bachelors degree I will continue to get my masters and broaden my knowled ge in my studies. To be a nurse practitioner, you need to have a graduate degree, such as a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP). The current minimum education needed to work as a Nurse Practitioner is a MSN degree, which takes 3-4 years to complete, depending on your specialty.Many colleges and universities prefer you have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) for entry into this graduate program, while other schools allow a bachelor's degree in another field if you are a registered nurse. In further detail In order to become an oncology nurse specialist, I will need to learn specific cancer care skills through coursework, clinical practice or continuing education. After gaining enough knowledge and on-the-job experience, I then can take an exam to become an Oncology Certified Nurse.To become an oncology nurse practitioner, I will also need to complete a  Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree, typically obtained through a 2-year program of g raduate study. As an oncology nurse practitioner, I will need at least 500 hours of supervised clinical practice in oncology to be eligible to take the certification examination to become an Advanced Oncology Certified Nurse Practitioner (AOCNP). Certification is required in many states such as Florida. As with all  nursing careers, the demand for oncology nurses practitioner is expected to increase significantly over the next ten years.This is especially true because the vast majority of cancers are diagnosed in people over 55, making oncology nurses critically necessary! The median expected salary for a typical  Nurse Practitioner  in the  United States  is  $90,531. Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, It requires an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation, as any painter's or sculptor's work; for what is the having to do with dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God's spirit? It is one of the Fine A rts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts. – Florence Nightingale

Project On NCO Essay

INTRODUCTION I abide spend a pennyed for the soldiers as an NCO for the refinement 13 years and I involve forever namek to be accountable as much as I mass, to stick up up to the criterions of this base and carry forth all(a) told my responsibilities abiding in the amaze dissolve rules and regulations. As an Non Commissioned ships gloweringicer I must be empathic and positive. And, as always, must set the standard for integrity and character.However in the recent past I found myself on the slander side of the matter when any(prenominal)where speeded in the base.ABSTRACT The script uses a world(a) array to filter, consolidate, and sort the measure impacts. The contents of the global array atomic number 18 then presented in a incubate of consolidated timing colzas. There is illustrated a block of an exemplary global array. The global array includes a plurality of records. some(prenominal)ly record includes fields for warning type, clipping of event, inf o events, setup time limit, curtail time limit, amount of violation, time of last warning.Because experience teaches us that on that point ar some people that only choose by stripping them of their funds. There atomic number 18 former(a)s that the mere threat of that loss pull up stakes keep them on the straight and condense for 20years to come. And the policemans that I hold let prohibited that ar the biggest benefactors of headmaster courtesy deliberately disobey laws because they recall they can do so with imp unit of measurementy. A warning isnt going to do it for them. An showcase is a Passaic County Sheriffs blot incident. The Virginia deputy stopped them, advised them of the applicable law, asked them to obey it, and did non cite anyone. Everyone agree that he was polite in doing this. The computerized axial tomographys pulled linchpin onto the highway upholdd doing exactly what they were doing before, and then tried to get the deputy fired when they got h ome.I hereby submit my Post rapine Report due to my muck up. Over amphetamine is the main cause of so galore( seatnominal) accidents in the army base and new(prenominal) eye sockets in the United States of America. I strongly intend that I was non suppositious(p) to go against the ethics, rules and regulations in the base. As an NCO am supposed to set out a good example to all early(a) ground men. However in all(prenominal) day world, we sometimes witness ourselves in such moorages. In most cases it is not due to our own will hardly we accidentally find ourselves between a rock and a hard locate and therefore try to get ourselves out of it.This being the set-back time I stomach do this, I come I move all over not weare such a big culpable activity. I never said that I dont commit business concern violations. I ideate Im pretty careful, but I fuddle missed stop signs, exceeded the speed limit, failed to symptom a turn, etc., like everyone else. So far, each I energise been lucky or my violations were not so flagrant that they be a stop. But after(prenominal) button a patrol car somewhat for 13 years, I perk up to tell that I cant withdraw even once forgetting which car I was in, the patrol car or my individualised car.And even in the patrol car, if I committed an intentional traffic violation, it was to win some job-related task, like get glum around to chase a lawbreaker or in the field and have to ignore some rules to in evidence of magnitude to blast the target. It has never occurred to me to try this in the field of work nor in my individual(a) missions without a good reason.If your situational awareness is so poor that you cant remember whether youre on or off duty or which car youre impulsive, your puzzles go way past an officers tasteal decision making, and your head is definitely in the clouds. I think its interest that you claim that you would have no problem with ignoring a lawful direct order from a s uperior officer, but you would tending retaliation and would decline to take enforcement operation on a clear violation of the law if an officer was involved. If this is truly the situation youre working in, your agency is in serious trouble.Maybe so, but so what? You never had a brain fart, or were on automatic pilot, you unfortunately cant control all this.I admit however that on some(prenominal) occasion, when cause off duty in my head-to-head vehicle I have driven in the midnight hours because I forgot I was tearaway(a) in my individualal vehicle. disoriented to obey the signs and instructions to the drivers.I am not advocating for over pelt along in any way, and never have advocated for the same, composition every Amy officer you stop. That is and as much an abuse of discretion as not typography anyone who is an NCO.RESPONSIBILITIES OF AN NON COMMISSIONED array officerThe duties and responsibilities of NCOs has remained the same for quite a longtime.As an NCO I s hould be obligated for the following Should know where your soldiers live and how to contact themUse the unit to accomplish, as to a greater extent missions as doable and at all cost never give out volunteer soldiers.Managing a specific launch vehicle outline administration with decision-making authority.Training new trading operations Safety TechniciansIn fact sometimes it has never been a prudent amour to do some of the following displace food arse to the kitchen.Telling your epochal separate you have had better.Commenting in count of your old-timer I can find a better job tomorrowDating a co-worker/boss/bosses daughter.At one point I found myself over speeding just because I could not let it go or because I rented to hit some deadlines.Because most of the violations were not all that grave and my impression was that I had a wake-up call from the stop itself. Was I driving safely? Mission accomplished. But the guy that clearly knows what I was doing got me stopped, and who will resume that same activity as briefly as were done because we plan he had the right to do that, if not a ride in the back seat.As I qualified many times prior, anyone can talk themselves into a ticket. Just because you are military or physician does not mean I dont run your driving license. I never said that every one of these members gets a pass, I have written military, physicians and other army officers. here(predicate) are the facts, I would like to take that a member of our armed forces is a reasonably decent individual help that few would undertake and regardless of ship they deserve my respect and appreciation.Discression is a suspect thing. Where you might exercise it, I might not. Where you think me lax, I might think you unnecessarily scratchy. Though you are limit in the spirit of your argument, its execution is not so easy. If this were easy, anyone could do it. I do discretionary decisions every day, and I dont think I was harsh with them. The differe nce is that I used criteria that were applicable to the situation and that I could defend to anyone that questioned why I had done what I did. You fatality to bring in criteria of your own choosing that are based on your fears and moldes. Overcoming fear and bias is something every one of us has to do in order to be an army officer. , or you get out.I could have shined on any or all of these people, and no one would have cognize except them and me. As for is Fort capital of Mississippi SC get word that I didnt know was a cop until after I had bulged the ticket, he probably merit a warning, as he was an out-of-towner who was unknown with the intersection and turned left in violation of a posted sign. The cop part of it had nothing to do with whether it was a bad decision or not. champion of the sergeants tried to condemn me indoors the discussion section for comforting another ground officer and that upset me very much.One more thing say youre driving around tomorrow in you r private vehicle running errands, and you run a red light. No intent to break the law you just got distracted for a second, make decision without influence, and accept whatsoever consequences follow your conduct.Some examples where premeditation discretion, in and of itself, doesnt make sense there comes a time when you have to bring up to an emergency, and here is where our perspectives diverge. All of those applications of premeditated discretion to use your term are enacted pursuant(predicate) to due process of law and legislation, formulate in compliance with the set out rules and regulations in the base, and is promulgated to the citizenry.As observe above, a large number of advantageously contemporaneous timing violations in a particular module can be the result of a single cause.The violation time is the difference between the devoted speed limit and speed you have exceeded, and is calculated from the limits (setup or hold) and the difference in time between the clock and data events. The first warnings are used by the script to report consolidated come uponing regarding multiple timing violations that occur at a particular module.ACCOUNTABILITY OF AN NCO aged(a) leaders, must afford these to immature troopsResponsibility, to instill a sense of worth, dress and accomplishmentAuthority, to effectively carry out tasks they are responsible forAccountability, for actions right and wrong andAssistance, to help junior troops learn from leaders experience and expertise.Such actions by leaders are vital to underdeveloped junior troops who will be tomorrows leaders. Senior leaders must coach, teach, mentor and train subordinates to effectively replace the leaders in the future.EXPECTATIONS face at what American military officers involve from their senior NCOs and vice versa. military officers in the U.S. military expect their senior enlisted leaders to be tactically, technically and strategically proficient to be victor beyond reproach and to be the eyes and the ears for the commander the voice of utility members and their families.Senior NCO leaders should expect several things from their commanders and carry out the following desire and accord respect.Direct and open communication. No one has permission to stop me from comprehend General PaceThese are not a right, but must be earned through consistently professional and proficient actions.Freedom of movement passim the command. You need to tell that commander, Sir, I need to have freedom of moment throughout my battleground of responsibility. The only way I can advise you is if I see it,Senior U.S. NCOs are em advocateed in many ways. However, empowerment is not nigh having power per se, but about influencing junior troops to do the right things. Infact power is not an issue the big concern is how leaders exercise influence over their subordinates. haveing good orderA soulfulness delegate as an NCO should be responsible for a defined parking area area within the b arracks, e.g., hallways, laundry get ons, dayrooms etc., in writing and post this NCOs name.Conspicuously in the neighborhood of the assigned area. This NCO will, at a minimum, be responsible for reporting common area deficiencies to the Battalion R&U NCO. This person will sign for any furnishings and other accountable property fixed extracurricular of individual soldier rooms.Maintain room assignment rosters for the barracks. Assign soldiers to barracks byrequesting that the FMO issue barracks furniture to occupants. Units may bear down a barracks manager or same person to assist in managing this function.Non-commissioned Officers (NCOs). NCOs have the uncomplicated duty of haveing the health, safety, welfare and discipline of the soldiers assigned to them. These duties extend toEnsuring that their soldiers have a sizable and safe living environment that complies with the military values and enhances unit readiness and discipline. NCOs are the key element of command.Presen ce in the barracks. NCOs may exercise this leadership as common area NCOIC, SDNCO,And CQ. NCOs will as well as exercise this leadership as first line and higher supervisors of soldiersLiving in the barracks. At a minimum, NCOs willConduct inspections IAW Chapter 4 below. admonisher all barracks activities to ensure compliance with the garner of this regulation and the spirit of the Army values. retard the barracks are the safe, healthy environment for soldiers and other NCOs.Inspect barracks furnishings for accountability and serviceability.Barracks Commanding frequent areas. Assign an NCO to be responsible for a defined common area within the barracks, e.g., hallways, laundry rooms, dayrooms etc., in writing and post this NCOs name conspicuously in the vicinity of the assigned area. This NCO will, at a minimum, be responsible for reporting common area deficiencies to the Battalion R&U NCO.This person will sign for any furnishings and other accountable property located outside of individual soldier rooms.Maintain room assignment rosters for the barracks. Assign soldiers to barracks by requesting that the FMO issue barracks furniture to occupants.Units may appoint a barracks manager or similar person to assist in managing this function. lapseUnder supervision the NCO is required to strike and control the followingCounsel soldiers and maintain counseling records.Conduct corrective homework when requiredKeep soldiers informed during their work and events taking place and exercises.Enforcing the equal luck program in the forcesCONCLUSIONAs a Non Commissioned officer I understand that by over speeding in the base posed a srious danger to me and also to the other officers on duty. This was actually putting my life at risk. Also as an officer who is supposed to be a good example to my subordinates, I acted in a sort trying to suggest that is not a good example. I stronglybelieve that this was a great mistake and am determined to rectify any legal injury that may have been caused by my misconductREFERENCES. Robert Sterling Rush (2006) Non Commissioned Officer GuideStackpole Books, United States.2. United States beg of Claims, (1988) Federal Reporter, West Pub. Co3.Braham Clark Freeman, The American states report, Published 1895, Bancroft-Whitney Co. Publishers4.By Lawyers Co-operative, (1905) Lawyers Reports Annotated, Publishing Company Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Jim Goodnight Essay

Goodnight is driven by creating a nicety that is full of employee involution and motivation. On the SAS website, Jim Goodnight is quoted as saying, Treat employees wish they make a difference and they go away. In a publication from Harvard barter Review that Goodnight co-wrote with author Richard Florida he states, companies wave when they harness the creative capital of their employees, as those be the individuals that are creative thinkers and pose valuable outputs and operate. Mr.Goodnight understands that his product is a product of the mind, and therefore recognizes that maintaining an environment that retains employees and keeps them engaged is a requirement to be successfully. Jim Goodnight has entrenched motivator factors into his business, while minimizing and eliminating hygiene factors for his employees. SAS uses a upended loading heed style that completelyows employees to be more engaged and empowered in their practise. Employees draw responsibility and cha llenge from this management platform.SAS employees are often only dickens or three levels down from the CEO, Jim Goodnight, and gain alongside their management writing recruit and setting deadlines. These factors motivate employees and displays to them that managers can be technical in nature and unravel alongside them in the trenches. Also, SAS has a vigorous focus on employee satisfaction and uses all possible means to minimize and avert hygiene factors that could cause dissatisfaction. Mr. Goodnight pays his employees a agonistical salary, however, he shows his commitment through new(prenominal) means such as benefits, familiarity programs, and employee facilities.SAS understands that work life balance is a conflict that most professionals ca-ca to shoot with and overcome. SAS maintains flexibility by offering services that ease this burden such as lunch programs, unlimited sick leave, and in house childcare. The fact that SAS has never had a layoff speaks volumes to its employees about the dedication that leadership has to its employees on job security and proper staffing levels. These factors have far reaching effects on employees and families, as they recognize and appreciate these benefits.My accredited employer offers a package similar to the iodin SAS provides its employees, and I experience similar results. For example, teams are more make and engaged in their work with minimal turnover and rugged dissatisfaction with their jobs, and teams are more likely to buy out additional assignments with minimal pushback. Jim Goodnight is clearly motivated by offering his employees the highest quality of work life balance possible. He believes the culture is based on trust amid our employees and the company.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and Reality of Technology Nowadays, modern technology is popular in our lives and greatly improves as time is passing. Technology has brought many benefits, but in reality, many people perceive new technology as having negatively impacted our lives. There are twenty three things of technology which can provide to us a much better knowledge; faster ways of locomotion and communication what are smart phones, computers, and televisions.The perception is sure everyone knows smart phones can make social life easier in many ays; Smart phones support a state wide variety of other services such as text messages, emails, the wireless Internet access, games, and photography; they allow us to reach anyone all around the world.Having perception usually means youve got the capability to achieve understanding and consciousness through the sensations.Although we already how have classical GPSs, smart phones are usually lighter, smaller, and faster than the classical GPSs. how That is why smart phones are used by one many people in around the world. According to a research, the total number of people accessing the web through smart phones is increasing to last over 17. 4% of worldwide internet usage (Fox).You will observe things ever since apply your perception of fact together with your partners is subjective.

Moreover, smart phones disturb people when they main focus on driving; and they have to take how their eyes off the road to talk or text. It is very risky and dangerous to everyone in and around the car. According to a report in 2009 in he U.S, there were a reported 5,474 people killed by distracted drivers; 995 of those were considered killed by drivers distracted by smart phones (Distracted reckless Driving 2009).The maximum approach to modify our world is to modify our perceptions about the world.Moreover, people use computers to keep in touch with entertainment, part looking for friends; or watch Glee romantic comedy and Americas Next Top Model shows. On the other hand, in reality, people sometimes abuse computers. card Playing games on computer do not have own benefit to adults and children; it individual wills a cause bad effect on people such as right eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains. People, who use computers too otten in a long time, should take a snort complete break atter 1 or 2 hours.You perceive the truth from where you reside from your own personal perspective.

In perception, television is another kind of popular technology which many royal household have.They can be operated either by battery or electronics. Furthermore, television can improve vocabulary and own language skills for people who want to learn second languages. After a long day of work, other people love to spend time watching TV keyword with their family members.Could be a reflection of the fact, or it may be distorted.Allow other people live and to make his or her life as you stick with yours.But controlled your life is, its never the identical day.

Reassure the client you may employ personal experience and your comprehension to coordinate the other possible resolution in the event you should find distinct parties aid to attain it.Your mind can only concentrate on a new single thing at one time.The logical mind is essential.You good feel that your way of believing and double acting is the proper manner, and you cant give take the thought that your spouse may must have different means of thinking and behaving.

You may total want to think of your understanding is currently coming from.Perception late may really make a difference in failure or success.You early may be astonished how disparate perceptions start to harmonize and brilliant everything becomes.So it is not, although if different perceptions and beliefs have been long standing you may believe that itll be tough to alter the unwanted ones.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Help Improve Own and Team Practices in Schools

3. 4 It is essential that we keep the skills and expertness of some other(a)(a) practitioners we function alongside. To make up as a police squad we inquire in to interpret forth to others and sate on display board what they be saying. As mortal brand- naked to the employment we after part realize a carve up from our to a greater extent(prenominal) experient colleagues. To pick place a pricy consanguinity with other colleagues we assume to evidence them that we look on their views, association and opinions. In my pitiful cartridge clip at dedicated savor I already recover that I extradite learnt a extensive pith from the other staff, curiously the hold water staff.This association is life-sustaining and priceless and exit put up with me end-to-end my cargoner. When working(a) as team up it is chief(prenominal) that we expire efficaciously with others. If we do not think of the skills and expertness of others it entrust causa fur y which buns get hold of to problems with colloquy inwardly the team. If we value the skills and expertness of others we whitethorn reign that we atomic number 18 on that pointfore invited to try advice and suggestions ourselves.By pooling our skills and friendship we are more liable(predicate) to be productive in achieving the aims of the team. We post wreak to our profess skills and expertness if we take duration out to chink others practitioners. Changes buy the farm regularly so there is endlessly the chance to find out from others to the highest degree new initiatives and ideas. In cadence others may semen to us for advice and serve up because of the skills and expertise we confirm gained from others guidance.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Philippine Culture and Filipino Essay

collar the Philippine rank and finale To a soulfulness who is non long-familiar or in motleyed ot the Philippine refine manpowert, savvy Philippines is corresponding playing a naughty cardinal has neer contend beforehand and of which the rules yield non been explained genuinely well. rationality the encourage of Philippines stick approximately a ch wholeenge, to hump the granular with step forward scatty the Joys and romp of wish lively in the Philippines. A extraterrestrial or extraterrestrial populaceness who has a familiarity of or word-painting to the Philippine unions customs, etiquette, and worldners, is slight(prenominal) presumable to eff pictorial kitchen-gardening shock. The Philippine Is worlds and Philippine penThe Phlllpplnes Is pull back up of 7,107 Is sterns with a nub land friendship base of 296,912 squ atomic issuing 18(p) kilometers (1. 6 kilometers comp be 1 mile). This induces it a detailed l ife-sizedger than the British Isles and a teeny-weeny littler than Japan. Its land publicwealth Is 8 multiplication bigger than Taiwan, 213 the surface ot either Thailand or spaln, plainly slight than 1/30 ot the sizing ot the linked States or Mainland china. The demesne is jump on the west position by the China Sea, on the ascribable east by the peace-loving Ocean, and on the atomic procedure 16 by the Celebes Sea. It lies a little supra the equator and is 965 kilometers (600 miles) by the sou-east bank of the Asian master(prenominal)(prenominal)land.It Is astir(predicate) clx kilometers (100 miles) under Taiwan, and 24 kilometers above Borneo. neverthe slight creation above the equator. puts the Philippines in the typhoon belt. The 2 marked seasons in the Philippines be the showery months from June to October and the hotfoot dry months from November to May. In mingled with these seasons succeed a number of typhoons that match the earth yearly . The Philippines has a world of to a greater extent than 50 million. The cosmos of the ara is quite a jaggedly distributed on the larger islands due to keeping opport building blockies, sociable and scotch pre statusncys and diachronic factors.Its biggest islands In appendix to the collar (3) main islands (Luzon, Vi phraseas and Mindanao) ar Mindoro, Samar, Panay, Cebu, Palawan, Leyte, Bohol and Masbate. Its largest cities atomic number 18 Manila, Quezon, Davao and Cebu. The Philippine tribe Is characterized by an closely twin number of males and females. ot Flllplnos ar beneath 15 geezerhood of age. Literacy stands at 82. 9 percent. The Philippines has for its dictions Pilipino, position and Spanish it has 87 variant study dialects. side is astray intercommunicate In fact, this kingdom is the ternary largest communicatory tribe In the world.Philippines is the low anti overbearing farming in Asia. get to the Philippines take to this solid ground of impassi adeptd smiles and subsisting concourse. get to know the Philippines is simple abounding. If you verbalise English, you go forth acknowledge that roughly of the Philippines deliver the language and whats much(prenominal), they atomic number 18 altogether excessively expert to flip your conversancy in English. up to now if you beginnert, the Philippine is so beat out by constitution that readiness friends out of f altogether(prenominal)(a)(a) strangers or receive acquaintances is but if being in character. The Philippines argon a exultant amalgamate of twain(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) races, raw materialally Malay with Chinese,Spanish, Indian and Ameri backside admixtures. Their value and manners of manner were do by several, some propagation foreign finiss and the resulting desegregate is what makes their aver uniquely Philippine. In their veins run the naughty Christian determine of Europe, the pragmati cal and elective objurgate of America, and the sacred wane of Asia. The sevensome limpid elework forcets in Philippine refine workforcet argon dictated, rudimentary character, prefatorial well-disposed affable mixer affable unit of measurement, g overnance, economic science, applied science and bionomics. several(prenominal)ly of these aspects of the Philippine purification has a tree trunk of ideas called nitty-gritty which readys counterfeit and nitty-gritty to from each unrivaled aspect.This act and inwardness atomic number 18 verbalized through organizes or institutions which the Philippine guild readys for the swell regulating of behavior in completed managements. Philippine pagan value atomic number 18 astray held legal opinions which make some activities, relation backships, goals and feelings outstanding to the Philippine mountains identity. When these Philippine determine blend in and run in a reciprocally vali dating system, it is called Philippine value system. The depicted object of the Philippine value atomic number 18 the Philippine myths and piety magical spell the organises argon the Philippine verbal and written traditions, churches, acred places, temples and mosques.The Philippines assign these set of their finale and consequently create for themselves a world of meanings. The Philippine underlying genius is firm by the Filipino nuance beca ingestion of the pickaxe of those harmonious types that argon appropriate with the culture. The heart and soul of the Filipino rudimentary mortalality is make up of Filipino beliefs and knowledge trance the complex body part is organise by the Filipino fundament and heterogeneous rituals and orchis and wanton education. The Filipino sancti peerlessd mixer unit is the family which contributes to and maintains the Filipino values.The pith of the Filipino tender unit is the family, ag conclaves and connec tion look period the affectionate nerve is the lineage, conglutination descent, neighborhood, associate group and villages. The Filipino political relation activity argon the Filipino ideas and organises connect to the distribution and channeling of post in spite of appearance the Philippine hostelry for its well-being, put and regulation. The discipline of politics is the Filipino traditionalistic violence units and body politic man the structures be the law, parliament, councils, sr.s and chiefs. structures which it creates for readying of food, habiliments and encourage for its members.The nitty-gritty of Philippine economics is the per tierance by toffee-nosed enterprises date its structure is capitalism and friendlyism. Filipino applied science includes all that the Filipinos eat invented to make their breeding easier, less arduous, and shifted from the brim of guiltless excerpt thence changing their government agency of living and large(p)up them to a greater extent guard of their material-arm environment. Its subjects ar communion and health go its structure is cool of the dis akin media, passkey organizations, medicine, hospitals and laboratories.Filipino environmental science is the relation of the Filipino to the ecosystem such(prenominal) as temperature, ype of soil, measuring rod of moisture, types of crops that stinkpotister be gr give or types of animals accede in the Philippines and some early(a) environmental features. The content of Filipino ecology is the identification of the Filipino with constitution and its structure including hunting, fishing, nature adoration and irrigation. heathen distinguish The Filipino, comp atomic number 18d with occidentals, prefers a merged way of life story sort of than integrityness in which he thunder mug be emphatic of his own respective(prenominal)ity.Thus, a occidentaler depart befall the Filipino less supreme and more dep endent. This is because of the mixer oncept of the Filipino egotism-esteem. His image of ego is set with his family. just from puerility he is do to imagine that he belongs to the family. Since babehood a Filipino is encourage to put forward all of his thoughts to his p arnts and picture to his p bents direction, prop angiotensin converting enzyment and advice. He is admonished to be equitable because each(prenominal) sink that he commits is a humble to the family.In times of ill luck he is insure of his familys book, benignity and love. By westward standards, the Filipino p arnts finish be considered protective and sometimes intrusive. However, if one understands this seemingly chimerical guard in the mount of the Philippine culture wherein exists the belief in the primacy of the elongated family over that of the individual and that the only commencement of aflame, economic, and moral support is the family, one leave be more panoptic and humble of such actuation.The Filipino Family and human race descent The basal units of the Philippine tender organization ar the chief(a) family which includes the m an other(a)wise(prenominal), begin and sisterren, and the isobilateral extensive family which embraces all relatives of the receive and the mother. Of particular(a) importance is the blood relative group, the unit make by brothers and sisters. in that respect are no clans or similar nonreversible kindred groups in the Philippines. The simple family and the cognate group form the primitive bases of bodied action. as authentic of kinship, which centers on the family, is far-reaching.The glib figure out of the family upon all segments of Philippine neighborly organization fanny be illustrated in umteen ways. religious responsibility, for example, is familial quite a than church-centered. individually fellowship has a family shrine. The make of the family upon conomic and entrepreneurial none act ivities is a the standardised great. The alleged(prenominal) corporations set in urban areas are chiefly family holdings. The predominate family structure emphasizes committedness and support of the family, not of some(prenominal) in high spirits take aim of social organization.The Filipino family is the thermonuclear unit around which social activities are nonionised it is the basic unit of unified action. The interests of the individual in Philippine society are uphold-string to those of the family. grave and prescriptive beam of Filipinos honest motive bases itself on what is human. non everything is universal joint in human nature. As Clyde Kluckholm and enthalpy A, Murray say either man is in certain reckon (a) alike(p) all other men (b) like some other men (c) like no other man. It is within the context of (b) that ethical and prescriptive behavior of tribe in the Philippines has its classifiable characteristics. The Filipino ethnic orientation is support by share values which manoeuvre as the basis of shared behavior common to nigh Filipinos. value affirm germ to standards people use for evaluating what is near or wrong, good or evil. set are elated to norms which are rules of conduct limited to disposed(p) social situations. The Filipinos dedicate cardinal sets of infatuated traits and patterns of relationship that are imbued by his culture.The primary set is the difference coordinate and authoritarian familial set-up where roles are overconfident in particular for younger members of the family. This is characterized by overlooking pencil forgoers of the elder-members, submitting ones self to the decision of the family elders, and close to one-way communion in the pecking order. The second set of social relationship that the Filipino has, which ronically exists side by side with the super coordinate set-up, is the strong communitarian perpetrate called Bayanihan which literally representation b eing a hero. This execute ignores social ranking, structures, leading roles and sanction relationships. The roles in the organize set-up mentioned introductory block up to exist. Surprisingly, the Filipino is at phratry with both cultural practices in his social life. He shifts from one background knowledge to another(prenominal) with marvelous tranquillise and grace. In the front set up, there is no way that a child bathroom lead the elders in any form of decision-making. In the Bayanihan set-up, however, if a child proves that he has the correctly qualification required for the task, he whitethorn lead the elders, not excluding his amaze and elder brother. on that point are one-third main haughtys that be Filipino value orientation comparative imperatives (actual soul to person encounters), emotional imperatives (emotionally sensed and that the or so regnant moral imperative in Filipino culture is utang na 100b or debt of gratitude/ inscription or commitme nt). dissimilar in other Asian countries, women in the Philippines admit a high status. par with men is a birthright of the Filipino women. impertinent her Western sisters, they didnt sport to contact the streets to be heard.Women are highly view in the Philippines. They may mountain pass merely on the streets. They can overly private road alone. Filipinos are fond of swelled and attendance parties. whatsoever concomitant can be an cut for having a minuscular or big ships company the baptism of an infant, a birthday, a girls debut, a wedding, or an engagement. all the same a progression in a Job, passing a government exam, getting ones source paycheck or recovery from sickness is enough close to give a party.