Monday, September 30, 2019

Renault Nissan Partnership

The most important problem facing the Renault Nissan Partnership, Inc. is that both sides—Renault and Nissan—may soon face their own blend of internal problems. These problems, when taken from both parties and when merged or when analyzed from the overall perspective of the partnership, will most likely result to misinterpretations and, consequently, misunderstandings thereby undermining the whole purpose of the partnership. This eventually affects the general performance of the partnership as it divides and sets apart the two companies. The most probable set of recommendations that can be given to the Renault Nissan Partnership is for both sides to essentially take into account all the possible angles that will explain the problems that beset the other party. That is, an understanding and awareness of the other side’s problems should be given proper importance because both companies are involved in a partnership and that the welfare of one significantly contributes to the welfare of the whole. This should be the first consideration that the Renault Nissan Partnership should give full attention essentially because the very essence of the partnership would be undermined. Once this happens, the performance of the partnership will be affected as well which manifests at least in terms of the productivity rate and overall image of the partnership. Another is that the good relations of the involved parties in the partnership will also be affected. It leads to the possibility of a split-up where either one or both of the parties may disengage from the partnership. Another recommendation is that the Renault Nissan Partnership should anticipate possible discrepancies in terms of production so as to preempt the occurrence of one or, at the least, allot enough time for the partnership to address or to be able to resolve the impending crisis as soon as possible. Internal problems can be resolved through the early exposition of predicted problems thereby creating enough time between the occurrence of the predicted problem and the current timeframe. This expanse of time should be used in order to formulate sets of solutions as early as time permits. Last but not the least, when the partnership is faced with drawbacks from either sides, it should be the case that both should not leave-out the other party and, instead, provide substantial assistance in order to uplift the business relationship and lessen the impact of the problem to both Renault and Nissan. This assistance can take many forms depending upon what the existing situation necessitates or on what the nature of the problem is. In essence, the business partnership should all the more be strengthened during times of financial or internal difficulties and that the real test of the Renault Nissan Partnership rests on these unwanted instances. One can balance commitments to shareholders and commitments to the community by setting certain priorities depending on the context of the existing situation. That is, if the situation necessitates that the commitment towards the shareholders outweighs the commitment towards the community, it should be the case that one should choose the shareholders. On the other hand, the opposite case should be maintained thus suggesting the very idea of setting priorities according to the degree of importance as necessitated by the situation. On another note, when one is faced with the commitment towards the community or to the shareholders, it must be the case that one ought to give full attention to the needs of the concerned party in order to equalize everything when the time that the other side or party is also the one that should be committed with. In essence, setting priorities plays a key role in maintaining the balance between the levels of commitment towards the community and the shareholders. References Culpan, R. (2002). Global Alliances in the Automobile Manufacturing Industry. In Global Business Alliances: Theory and Practice (pp. 126-136). Westport, Conn: Praeger. Hoed, R. v. d., & Vergragt, P. J. (2005). Technology changes and industrial responses: changes in fuel options for the fuel cell automobile in the automobile industry. In K. Green, M. Miozzo & P. Dewick (Eds.), Technology, Knowledge and the Firm: Implications for Strategy and Industrial Change (pp. 149). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. Â  

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Being Wrong Chapter 5

Samantha Merlin October 14, 2012 IGE 120 MWF 11:45-12:50 Reading Response: Being Wrong: Chapter 5 by Kathryn Schultz At the beginning of chapter 5 â€Å"Our Minds, Part Two: Belief† Schultz informs us that Alan Greenspan testifies before congress on October 23, 2008 because of the financial crisis. The chapter then leads on to expand on theâ€Å"Greenspan moments† which is basically when beliefs fail us. Belief in casual conversation is a conscious belief, such as morality, politics, ourselves or others.Philosophers include all unconscious beliefs too, like believing that the sky is dark outside if you're in your bedroom at night with the blinds closed and that the sun won't rise for many more hours and when it does it will do so in the east. Both explicit beliefs like â€Å"everyone hates me† and implicit ones â€Å"the sky is blue† serve as a function of helping me figure out where to sit when I enter a room. Once an implicit assumption is violated, it b ecomes explicit. If I suddenly fall through the floor, my implicit assumptions about the solidity of the floor suddenly appear in my conscious.The beliefs at the acute ends of the implicit and explicit range breaks down most strikingly when they are revealed incorrectly. However, holding a belief can have many outcomes. Belief in overall perspective led to spending $300 million and $30 million per year on LIGO. We have distal beliefs because we need to be able to theorize about some things, but end up theorizing about everything. The theorizing process is quick and automated and doesn't require us to intentionally activate it, so we cant stop theorizing. We tend to mainly notice our theories when they're wrong.Babies as young as seven months are already theorizing about gravity. Alison Gopnik assumed that the theory drive exists particularly esfor early childhood, but functions throughout lives, just like sex drive exists precisely for fertile years, but works before and after. Alth ough we are good at making theories, we are not good at realizing we made them. We have a tendency toward â€Å"Naive realism† which means that our perception matches reality. Anyhow, this can not be true because there are things that we can not perceive like infrared and molecules.All children under the age of four are Naive realists because they believe that we can not believe things that are wrong. The chapters main idea was that if you believe that your beliefs are true, you will assume that those that disagree with you are ignorant of facts, are idiots or evil. Just from reading this chapter I have come to the conclusion that Schulz takes on a heavy topic that most of us don't understand. The broad majority of people either feel they have to be right at all costs, or that being wrong is a personal failure.In reality, being wrong is what helps us grow and understand our world better. It was impossible not to think about politics while reading this, either. Each political party has a hard and fast set of beliefs that define them, and anyone not advocating to those beliefs is wrong and needs to be corrected. Unluckily, even when presented with evidence to the contrary relating to one of their closely-held views, it is nearly impossible for the person to adjust their thinking and admit they were wrong. There's no discussion and consideration of views to come up with a compromise or to learn from others.It's often a duel to the death to be right while proving the other person wrong. In the end, nobody gains from that. In class i'd like to discuss whether people thought that Being Wrong had a great message and can make a difference in someone's life or thought it can't cause any type of dramatic change of perspective. I feel that it can make a person's life more productive and enjoyable. Unfortunately, I have little hope that the average man on the street who is affected by the need to always be right will ever take the time to read and understand the me ssage of this chapter or the whole book in general.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Organisational Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organisational Leadership - Essay Example information and technology and one which is highly knowledge oriented, is one of the most significant outcomes of the transformation from the industrial to information age. Such far-reaching changes have revolutionized the manner in which organizations were initially managed, thereby leading to evolution of novel leadership styles, and in the process have completely redefined the scope and impact of institutionalized power and authority within organizations, thereby influencing the manner in which such organizations operate and function in the knowledge based post industrial developed economies. This paper seeks to discuss, analyze and explore the manner in which the leadership styles have transformed from the industrial age to the post industrial era, with the help of corresponding theories and models, and recent developments. In the industrial age the three critical factors of production included – land, labor and capital, however, the transition to the information age has added another crucial factor of production – â€Å"knowledge†. Knowledge revolution brought about by the development of new and state of the art technology which was previously unavailable to the leaders, have completely revolutionized the manner which organizations function and compete in the market place. Organizations such as Dell, Microsoft, Toyota, IBM, etc have excelled in this art, through sheer application of knowledge led leadership strategies. Automation – an outcome of technology, has facilitated the creation and development of highly skilled workforce, in the developed economies which is a vital factor of production and instrumental in redefining the human resource as mere labor – devoid of any critical skill and who are merely employed to follow the orders of their leaders, to a more know ledgeable and intellectual workforce who are employed to generate input in the form of ideas that can help the management in overcoming various organizational setbacks – both internal

Friday, September 27, 2019

Strategic Management Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Strategic Management Accounting - Essay Example In this paper the business model of United States Postal Service will be analyzed. USPS is an independent agency of the United States federal government responsible for providing postal service in the United States. The USPS employed 626,764 workers as on January, 2014 and operated 211,654 vehicles in 2013. The USPS is the operator of the largest civilian vehicle fleet in the world. The USPS is legally obligated to serve all Americans, regardless of geography, at uniform price and quality. The USPS has exclusive access to letter boxes marked "U.S. Mail" and personal letterboxes in the United States, but still competes against private package delivery services, such as UPS and has part use with FedEx Express. The paper will explore different constituents of product and capital markets to understand interaction between both the markets. The United States Postal Service is facing the most urgent financial challenge in its history. Protecting the viability of the nation’s postal system is a complex and difficult task that has no simple solution. The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (hereafter referred to as the Postal Act of 2006) revised the break-even regulatory model of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 (PRA) in favor of a profit and loss model. An underlying presumption of the Postal Act of 2006 was that mail volume would continue to grow. However, falling mail volumes due to the recession and electronic diversion, combined with the additional statutory burdens that are discussed in greater detail later in this paper, make it evident that the Postal Service’s existing business model does not provide the flexibility needed to meet the new market realities. The tools available to the Postal Service are insufficient to respond to the combined effects of the economic recession, the diversion of mail to electronic alternatives, and the statutory requirement

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Human Rights - Essay Example Every living individual is entitled to enjoy his or her protection no matter where he or she comes from. According to UDHR, justice is the main purpose, which is to ensure that justice, and peace reigns worldwide. It ensures that there is a rule of law, and its greatest aspiration is to ensure that all the human race is treated the same and equality given the urgency it deserves (Kant 296). This is because balanced development is achievable, throughout the world, if the human rights are protected. However, this cannot be achieved if both men and women are not given equal opportunities to express their worth. UDHR also leads to improved living standards. The freedoms of people must be maintained in order to have productive individuals, who are full of life and goal-oriented. The universal declaration of human rights, therefore, states that all individuals are free and entitled to every right stipulated in the declaration as long as their action is within the law (Kant 299). This is because freedom leads to utilitarianism. People having autonomy to act and go on with their businesses, the way they deem fit, will automatically increase their happiness and significantly reduce their suffering. Their action will be in the course with the law because they are comfortable and enjoying the fruits of their moral behavior and actions (DeLaet 47). According to UDHR, liberty is fundamental in ensuring that the right course of action is followed and that everybody is happy (DeLaet 54). According to Utilitarian perspective, liberty is the ability of individuals to control their own action and be able to make a difference between rights and wrong (DeLaet 54). It is the guiding principle in the execution of either individual or public action. This is because it gives people the option of either acting within the rules laid down, in article three of the universal

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 77

Case Study Example s required for admissions, the processing of test results for patients and transferring patients’ diagnosis or treatment at different places so that it could be more proficient. Previously, all the four sites that the hospital operates in had employed the use of different information technology systems that included electronic medical records system, e-payment systems as well as picture archiving and communications systems which are used in the management of imaging data from MRIs and computed tomography scanning systems. This meant that when patients had to be transferred from one hospital site to another, they were required to carry all their relevant medical records and data with them and the information had to be manually entered into the electronic system that was operated by the hospital. A lot of time and money was wasted through this process and since the hospital sites were not in a position to share histories of patients easily, they were forced to diagnose patients more than once therefore doubling some costs. The Integrated Medical Information System project was founded to deal with these issues that were reducing the efficiency of the hospital. It was meant to phase out the information stores that existed at all of the four sites the hospital operated through coming up with a central source of patient information that was referred to as a data warehouse. The data warehouse entails storage systems for patient’s records along with PaCS data for each site that the hospital operates while having a backup that is off the site to protect the records of the patients. The system transmits the patient’s data between the different sites through a secured private network which ensured that there is regulatory compliance together with integrity as only the employees who are authorised may be able to access it. The different sites of the hospital can simply access the warehouse through a web browser making access to information easy and fast thus reducing

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

U.S. expansionism Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. expansionism - Personal Statement Example My name is Jackson J. Samuel; I was born in 1856 and lived with my parents and seven siblings on a farm in Texas. Currently, I am working as a teacher. I am married to Penelope, and we have three boys, James, Fred and Peter. Last year, the country joined Cuba rebels in a sordid fight for independence from its colonial master, Spain.Personally, I favor the United States helping Cuba because I believe in the Manifest Destiny. Even though it was made more than a decade before I was born, it was a constant part of my early education.My father, Jacob J Samuel, used to tell me stories about history of our beloved country. He explained how the US was superior to all the other countries in the region and we were right to take the lands away from the weaker nations because it was divinely ordained and also because President James Monroe had already made it clear to the European countries that they were to stay out of the hemisphere so that the United States would be able to take advantage of the far more inferior nations. I favor the war because I believe the United States is superior, it is the divine right of my country to seek expansion and I think that US imperialism is good. Even though, the confederacy lost the civil war and my family and I still harbor bitterness about the whole affair, we are still rather patriotic. ... So when the Cuban war of independence broke out last year I was glad that the US decided to get involved, if the government could free the country from backwardness like it had freed Texas, it was a fight well fought. Judging from the news of the treaty being signed I am glad that the Philippines have also been rescued and can be greatly helped by the superior political and economic strength of my country. The United States was far more superior to the other nations in the hemisphere. One example of the brilliance of the United States is that the largest war fought on the territory managed to unify the north and the south and to bring greater political and economic security. My father used to tell me that the other country in the region especially those from the South American continent were extremely backward and when they fought wars they were never wise enough to join together, instead they broke into smaller, weaker groups, which I determined fro myself was a good thing because it meant that the US could always exert its influence and dominate these weaker nations. This is exactly what happened at every opportunity that presented itself, and the war in Cuba was undoubtedly another such opportunity. With Spain gone, the US would be free to intervene and negotiate Cuban affairs in order to gain economically because Cuba was a very prosperous colony. This is important for me because, it meant that as a teacher, better economic prosperity in the country would eventually trickle down to me. In 1898, I was happy to hear the news in February about the US starting to fight in the war. When the Maine sunk, many American thought that it was deliberate act of aggression by Spain. I suspected that

Monday, September 23, 2019

Performance Management and Employee Relations Essay

Performance Management and Employee Relations - Essay Example Like ISO 9001:2000, its intention is not to be regulatory in content but it advocates the advantages from officially defined processes producing data and metrics which drive constant improvement. The goal of both models is to encourage comprehension and maturity, where the organisation monitors its execution in a continuous cycle to better its services and products. Both models are similar in intent and in representing best practice; however there are disparities particularly in the formal evaluation process. ISO 9001 certified companies should meet the requirements of the standard and persist on doing so by undertaking routine surveillance, so as to guarantee that the results of the initial assessment stay valid. In contrast, the SEI characteristically requires just a one-off assessment in order to corroborate an organisation's maturity rating contending that once a company has sustained improvement entrenched within its culture then it shall continue to do so. On the other hand, CSC had become familiar to the benefits offered by its regular LRQA visits and feels that comparable benefits could be present through regular checks against the CMM. LRQA has offered its routine ISO surveillance activity to include the concern of the SEI CMM model criteria. The LRQA evaluator who is trained in the CMM model consequently takes this into account while looking at the every visit and references his findings within the evaluation report. 3. Public-Private PartnershipA Public-Private Partnership (PPP) is a contract between a public agency (local, state or federal) and a private sector body. Through this agreement, the assets and skills of each sector (private and public) are shared in bring a service for the use of the common public. Concomitant to the sharing of resources, all party shares in the rewards and risks possibility in the delivery of the service or facility. The PPP form is a comprehensive form that is used by LRQA in approaching the evaluation. This form covers important aspects like Goal Setting; Performance Review; Training and Development Plan; Career Development and Progression; and a Summary that includes the manager's comments on overall performance review. 4. LRQA appraisal method - CMM model Since 2003, LRQA has been deploying the CMM model during its regular ISO 9001 inspection visits for CSC. This has seen LRQA adjusting its characteristic audit

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Gender criminology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Gender criminology - Essay Example Some people are sold as slaves; some are tricked into slavery while some serve as bonded labors (Hart 2009). Most governments consider human trafficking as a danger to the democratic way of life and also to the basic rule of law (Morehouse 2009). The victims of human trafficking are mostly poor people with little food and no future in their own homeland. Jobs are scarce and it is difficult to support a family. Under these circumstances, the foreign land seems like a green pasture and the human traffickers use jobs in foreign countries especially the U.K and the U.S as baits and sneak the people in the country illegally. Usually people from Mexico, Cuba and South American countries smuggle into America whereas people from Eastern European states, Africa and Asia consider U.K a goldmine. Of all the European countries, UK faces the most unwanted immigrations. Since 2004, immigration from Central and Eastern Europe increased rapidly as many states which were formerly a part of the communist block joined the European Union which allowed their citizens to freely move into Great Britain (Marshal Cavendish Corporation 2009). The number of people who either smuggle into the United Kingdom or are trafficked to this country runs into thousands annually. There is a marked difference between human trafficking and smuggling. As mentioned in the article â€Å"Human Trafficking and Smuggling† published by The Crown Prosecution Service available online at , human smuggling actually means the illegal entry of a person in any country; it is a voluntary act and â€Å"the immigrants are complicit in the offence so that they can stay in the country† and are hardly forced or cajoled to cross the border. Once the person crosses the border, he is on his own and is not controlled by the smugglers. Also smuggling involves crossing of borders and is illegal (House of Lords et al 2006). Human trafficking on the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Changing Urban Geography of the Inner East End and the City of London Essay Example for Free

The Changing Urban Geography of the Inner East End and the City of London Essay Tower Hamlets have been inhabited for 2000 years, with a detailed history going back to the Roman invasion of 43AD. The world famous Tower of London stands on the River Thames on the western boundary of the borough. It dates from the reign of William the Conqueror in the 11th century and in the past 900 years it has been used as a fortress, royal palace, zoo and state prison. Much of borough was marshland at this time. As London expanded and the pressure for development intensified, the land was gradually drained and reclaimed. A cluster of small communities was established, known locally as the hamlets around the tower which is the origin of the boroughs name. The areas population spread south from Spitalfields and Whitechapel as works to prevent flooding of the Thames allowed many new houses and wharves to be built at Blackwall, Poplar, Shadwell and Wapping. These areas grew as centres of shipbuilding and repair. Lime kilns to make mortar for the building industry were established, giving their name to Limehouse. The construction of Bow Bridge over the River Lee in Henry 1s reign improved access to the tide mills on the east bank. It wasnt until the 16th century that the area really began to thrive. During that century Whitechapel was a bustling suburb of London, becoming a centre for trades, such as metalworking, brick making and tanning, not allowed in the City because of danger, noise and smell. The dissolution of the monasteries by 1536 freed land for building and London grew rapidly. The split between east and west London became marked with the west attracting courtiers, gentry and professional classes and the east the trades, industry and commerce. Shipbuilding spread rapidly along the riverside and became concentrated on the Isle of Dogs. Some say it was so named because Henry VIII exercised his hunting dogs there but it may well have originated from Isle of Docks. Factories and rows of terraced houses consumed the rural landscape of the 18th century, except for pockets of land saved for parks and gardens, in particular, Victoria Park, Stepney Green, Bethnal Green Gardens and Island Gardens, which remain to this day. The maritime character of the hamlets around the Tower was transformed in appearance during the 19th century, with the building of huge warehouses and high walled docks. The West India Dock, which opened in 1802, was the first enclosed dock built on the Thames for cargo handling and within 26 years the East India, London and St. Katharine Docks were all working. As the workshops, docks and factories of East London made a major contribution to the development of London as world trading centre, it was very much at the expense of workers who endured damaging working conditions. Two famous East London strikes played an important part in organising unskilled workers into unions. In 1888, Annie Besant led the match girls at Bryant and Mays factory in Bow, in their fight for better conditions. The following year saw Ben Tillet, Tom Mann and John Burns lead the dockers strike to raise wages to 5d per hour, less than 3p in todays currency. Philanthropists of every description were drawn to the East End. Dr Barnardo trained at the Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel and founded his first home for orphans in Hope Place, Stepney in 1866. The first Ragged Day School was set up in canal-side warehouses at Mile End and is now a museum about the East End and the lives of its children. Salvation Army founder William Booth began preaching on the Mile End Waste in 1865. In 1869 the Baroness Burdett-Coutts built a gigantic covered market called Columbia, in Bethnal Green. Of the many political figures in the boroughs history, George Lansbury Councillor, Mayor of Poplar, Member of Parliament and Leader of the Labour Party from 1931 to 1935 did much to try and improve conditions for local people. Sylvia Pankhurst headed the militant East London branch of the Suffragette movement based on Old Ford Road. The borough is historically famous for providing refuge to those fleeing persecution. In the 18th century, the area was occupied by the silk weavers largely descended from the Huguenot refugees (French Protestants escaping from Catholic persecution in France). A hundred years later, Jews fleeing the pogroms in Eastern Europe founded a thriving community. At the same time, a Chinese community was established in Limehouse as a result of merchant trading. Throughout its history, Tower Hamlets has continued its trend of welcoming people of different faiths and cultures. During the 20th century newcomers from Bangladesh settled in Spitalfields and the surrounding areas, along with Somali and Vietnamese refugees. With its culture and cuisine, the predominant Bangladeshi community gives such life and vitality to the area that it has been dubbed Banglatown. This is in stark contrast to the mid 20th century period when much of the area was destroyed by bombing during the Second World War. The borough suffered more than any other part of London during the war twenty four thousand homes and much of its industry were destroyed. The post war period was also a difficult time as the traditional dock industries fell into rapid decline, leaving substantial areas of land and buildings vacant and derelict. But Tower Hamlets has a history of responding to the demands of time. After several decades of failed schemes and plans, part of the borough (all of the Isle of Dogs and most of Wapping) was designated an economic development zone. As a result the years since 1980 have seen massive expansion of new industries and employment, and an extraordinary landscape-changing transformation has taken place. Empty warehouses have been converted and derelict sites have been replaced by towering office blocks and contemporary housing complexes, many with award-winning glass and steel designs. The borough has altered greatly over the centuries, but much of its history survives today in the original street patterns, place names, architectural heritage and the absorption of people from many different backgrounds into todays growing community. The Tower hamlets were built in 1963 when the boroughs of Stepney, Poplar and Bethnal Green were merged together. This area is nowadays known as the East End of London. The fresh Docklands and Riverside developments are slowly changing the area away from being just a working-class area. For the last 400 years the residents in this area have generally been craftsmen, labourers and those who worked for the richer city dwellers. The Tower Hamlets became an extremely important industrial area, in the unloading, storing and processing of goods coming into London. However the working conditions in these areas have traditionally been very appalling. The major industry during the Second World War in this area was the docks, but the Tower Hamlets were extremely badly damaged during the Blitz. This had a disastrous effect on the docks, and this saw the decline of them. The London City Council produced a post-war rebuilding scheme, even after a huge amount of people had migrated out of the area. This resulted in the area becoming more residential than industrial. The area in the borough contained post-war Edwardian and Victorian terraces, and at this time it was not very aesthetically pleasing, and did not attract a great deal of visitors to the area. The Tower of London however, is a huge place in Britains history dating back to 1067, and holds the Crown Jewels. The Tower Bridge is continually refurbished for the reason that it attracts a huge number of tourists the whole year round. After the closing of the docks, a enormous urban generation took place, which meant that some of the area was rebuilt completely and to a very high standard, an example of this being Canary Wharf, which holds numerous high rise office buildings. There are now also attractive housing developments and a much better service and leisure infrastructure. Spittalfields Spitalfields lies at the heart of the East End of London and is famous for its bustling street markets. Many people are drawn to Spitalfields for the wide variety of eateries found around the markets. Brick Lane is known for its curry restaurants, and with its predominant Bangladeshi community. The area is historically famous for providing refuge to those fleeing persecution. In the 18th century, the area was occupied by the silk weavers largely descended from the Huguenot refugees (French Protestants escaping from Catholic persecution in France). A hundred years later, jews fleeing the pogroms in Eastern Europe, founded a thriving community. Nowhere is the unique history of the area better depicted than in the history of the local mosque. The mosque in Brick Lane has been a place of worship for different faiths for hundreds of years. It was first built as church by the Huguenots but changed use to become a synagogue when a jewish community replaced the protestant population. This shows how the immigrants who came into this area has changed considerably. First it was the Hugenos who came in 1700s to Fournier Street and brought the silk industry with them. They came due to the persecution of French protestants in France in the late 1600s. The Eastern European Jews who migrated in the 1881 due to persecution changed the area to a synagogue, while the Bangladeshis built it into a mosque in the 1950s. By the middle of the 20th century the jewish community had mostly moved on and the building was converted again, this time into a mosque to serve the Bangladeshi community. With its culture and cuisine the Bangladeshi influence gives a cosmopolitan feel to Spitalfields. The influence is so striking that the area has been dubbed Bangla Town. Architecturally, the narrow lanes and alleyways of Spitalfields typify the bustling street life of Charles Dickens London. Spitalfields covered market was built in 1682 and is a fine example of the hamlets architecture. It now houses a lively crafts and antique market with an international and organic The nearby Brick Lane Market developed during the 18th century for farmers selling their livestock and produce outside the city boundary. Today the market offers wide array of fruit and vegetables, clothes and household goods. Petticoat Lane Market is renowned for its clothing and leather goods. To the south of Spitalfields is Whitechapel Road, which is world famous as the only East End street on the Monopoly board. More locally the road is famous for the East London Mosque, The Royal London Hospital and museum and the Whitechapel Bell Foundry. However on the topic of housing, Spitalfields is not of very high standard. The inner city, which is predominantly Bangladeshi, has a very low owner occupation rate, but this has increased dramatically in the last 30 years, showing how much it has come forward in the last few decades in terms of both size and standard. A reason for this is the law introduced which allowed people to buy from the council, which allowed the houses to be refurbished through gentrification. Despite this, Spittalfields is still a rather poor area, with high housing densities, no central heating and other serious characteristics of deprivation. Former Bishops Gate goods yard is a very rundown area and shows the great decline in the area. It has been in decline for the last 25 years and is now used as a car park, which is typical for areas around the area. The new Church on Commercial Street is a strong reflection of the change in land use of the area as a large majority of churches were bombed during the Second World War and this is being redeveloped. As we go further into the city of London away from the East End we see that there are increasing more new office blocks being developed with 10 -12% in Canary Warf and many in Exchange Square. The reason for this is because companies save a lot of money, over 100% in fact making Exchange Square a popular area. Also, because of limited space, the law has come out allowing only British based companies to buy shares so many companies move to London and so land values are increased. Also an illustration of change in land use is Devonshire Square where East India Company Warehouses, which was a major trade company, are being converted into offices. This is unusually not near the docks but reason for its placement is due to the large space available. Also the buildings have had conversion to higher ceilings for air conditioning and cables for IT which again highlights the modernisation of the area. The Guild Hall is the heart of Londons government. It has had a lot of refurbishment since the 12th century and is the wealthiest local authority in Britain. It receives à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½6 million per annum from Natwest Bank from tax. It has responsibility for numerous things such as many open spaces around London (e.g. Burnham Beeches), for hygiene in markets, control of London University and controls part of London and Heathrow. These reasons show how this area of London is so significant and important. A very important wealthy area is the area of Guild Hall. The Big Bang attracted many foreign companies, which brought more wealth into the London economy. Over $450 billion a day pass through London in the foreign exchange which is obviously a huge amount of money, showing London is a very important city of the world. This proves the fact that London is the worlds second largest economic city, and earns $1.8 trillion in stocks shares. One of the reasons for this is because London is in the centre of the worlds time zones, so it open when other leading cities are open, such as New York and Tokyo, which is very advantageous. As well as that, London is the centre of the car manufacturing, which is the world largest manufacturing industry. The stocks and shares began in the Mansion Square, and the Bank of England is also located here. The London Mayors Office is also situated here. We appreciate how much the land use and people in London have changed over time, and the reasons for this actually occurring.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Adkar Change Management Model Business Essay

The Adkar Change Management Model Business Essay Industrial Laboratory Problems with Production, Efficiency, and Flow. Continuous quality improvement is the focus of a quality based leader in an industrial QC laboratory, but laboratory leaders that are deficient in quality assurance knowledge can struggle with analyzing production, efficiency, or workflow problems. Major issues industrial QC laboratory leaders encounter are uneven workloads, poor work scheduling, lack of cross training, overstrained work activities, and inefficient wasteful processes (Reynolds, 2009). To combat these issues of poor laboratory efficiency and quality, assertive laboratory leaders may try to improve conditions by implementing an efficiency system, such as lean 5S. Problem recognition, by industrial QC laboratory leaders, is a valuable first step to continuous quality improvement. Insufficient understanding of the complexity involved in inefficient culture, the lean 5S system purpose, and change management leads to failure for most industrial laborator y leaders in sustaining a meaningful and successful lean 5S culture change. 5S Description as a Foundation to Lean, and 5S Failure 5S is a five step system for altering the environment of an industrial lab that is inefficient, wasteful, and displaying poor quality into a lab that is organized, experiences smooth work flow of product and personnel, and is visually enhanced; as a result, bringing wasteful issues to the forefront for continuous improvement. The 5S system is a quality improvement development originating in Japan; unequivocally, the five Ss are seiri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke (Hirano,1992); however, in the English version the five Ss have been given the names sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain (5S Supply, 2011). Each step of the 5S system works together. 5S starts with sort, where an industrial laboratory visually organizes and labels its entire inventory in groups of importance and categorical description; for instance, marking all laboratory equipment as essential, possible essential, and non-essential (Nilipour Jamshidian, 2005). All non-essential items are marked with a red tag and then taken to a holding area for non-value added item disposal. Sort is the step of removing waste that reduces clutter and improves organization for moving on to the next step in the 5S system, set in order. Set in order is the orderliness step where all value-added inventory items are organized and properly labeled for easy use and access. Access to items is determined by how often they are needed or used; for example, frequently used laboratory equipment and tools should be kept close to the area of need, and less frequently used items can be stored away in a properly labeled area for easy discovery (Froeh ling, 2009). Organizational tools are implemented such as labeling cabinets and shelves, color coding equipment and tools, and outlining and labeling work areas. Organizing, labeling, and placing laboratory tools and equipment in their designated locations allow for ease of the next 5S step of shine. Shine involves cleaning the laboratory, removing dirt and grime, and making the lab shine. Cleanliness and orderliness provides an industrial lab environment for easily identifying and eliminating waste and non-value added items. To make the 5S system part of everyday lab activities, the first three steps of 5S must become part of laboratory standard operating procedure; for this reason, the work needs to be standardized through work tasks (Froehling, 2009). Each employee of the lab must do his or her part in continually organizing, eliminating waste, and cleaning; subsequently, these tasks are done by implementing the fourth step of standardize. Once the 5S system is standardized, it must be reinforced through the sustain step which involves such activities as auditing, appraisal, and positive feedback; consequently, sustain is the step most practitioners neglect and do not fully implement, therefore leading to failure of this step. According to Hogg (2005), the sustain step, of the 5S system, is where the majority of 5S failure occurs. There are those that consider the 5S system as basic housekeeping, and if a practitioner were to look at the first three steps of 5S, it would be (Eaton, 2000). What the laboratory leaders fail to recognize is the true application of all five steps of 5S as the foundation to a lean laboratory and as a permanent culture change to a lab that has operated in the past as inefficient and wasteful. For example, if an industrial laboratory has been working for 10 years as inefficient, then inefficiency would be customary and the standard engrained in that laboratory culture. Because of this history, it would take more than housekeeping to break down the cultural barriers existing in this laboratory work environment to improve efficiency and quality long term. If 5S is labeled as housekeeping by laboratory leadership or upper management, then the 5S quality initiative most certainly falters (Hogg, 2005). 5S as a Culture Change, and Change Management Failure It is important for industrial laboratory leaders to realize that 5S implementation is more than housekeeping. 5S is a change in the following three areas; work flow of product and personnel, functioning of the lab in terms of inventory and equipment, and standard operating procedures and daily activities. Understanding the changes that take place through the implementation of the laboratory 5S system is crucial knowledge for laboratory leadership. 5S is not a quality tool, but a lean quality system that requires change from all industrial laboratory personnel. According to Shil (2009), it is crucial for laboratory leadership and upper management to acknowledge lean 5S as a culture change to the organization, and not a simple task performed periodically. Now that the 5S system has been established successfully as a change in culture it is important for the 5S facilitator to understand the intricacies of implementing change, and sustaining the intended change as needed with lean 5S. The important issues needing to be addressed when implementing change are leadership support, employee resistance, and change reinforcement. Leadership support is very important to start the 5S implementation, so laboratory personnel must recognize that company management is serious about the changes being put forth, and feel confident in management to provide the resources and support that is needed to make the changes materialize and endure. Employee resistance can be a huge obstacle to the implementation of change; therefore, leadership cannot ignore resistance and must do all it can to change resistance to acceptance (Obrien, 2008). Engaging the employee is the first step to breaking down this barrier, and engagement is accomplished by effective commun ication and employee involvement. Communication is important for educating laboratory personnel on the reasons for the proposed change, and for their understanding of the root causes of laboratory inefficiencies that brought on the need for change. Effective communication brings a positive light to the employees perception of the change, gives them an understanding of the needed change, and starts the breakdown of resistance (Society for Human Resource Management, 2007). The next important aspect for leadership in employee engagement is to involve the laboratory personnel in the decision making and implementation planning of the 5S system. Involvement in the change gives the laboratory personnel a sense of ownership in the system, and continues to deplete the remaining resistance to change. According to Gallup Business Journal (2012), engaging employees builds passion within the workforce and that passion can turn employee resistance to employee innovation and promotion of change. Once a change has been implemented it is not necessarily secure; consequently, this uncertainty is a third reason 5S practitioners fail to sustain the intended quality improvements that lean 5S is meant for. 5S is a dynamic system that needs to be managed and measured. Most failure of 5S occurs in the fifth step of sustain because laboratory leaders lose focus on the 5S system. Because standards are in place and the laboratory is clean and organized, leaders think the laboratory will continue to operate this way. This thought process is a big mistake and causes the 5S system to deteriorate and result in laboratory personnel losing initial enthusiasm for the lean quality initiative. According to Bevan (2011), the major factor in successful change is not putting together a plan or understanding the change, but implementing and sustaining the change, yet many change leaders assume initial change will stick, therefore neglecting to preserve the change. Failure of the 5S system is not onl y a waste of resources, money and time, but also a loss of opportunity. The 5S system is the foundation of a lean laboratory, and if 5S fails it can result in an increase in laboratory personnel change resistance for any future lean initiatives. Understanding the intent of 5S as a culture change and demonstrating a clear understanding of the complexities of change management practice is extremely beneficial for any 5S practitioner. Change Management Success, and the ADKAR Change Management Model 5S is not a laboratory housekeeping task or quality tool; on the contrary, 5S is a lean system that requires culture change in the industrial laboratory. In order for a successful implementation and sustainable 5S culture change in an industrial laboratory, a change management model can be extremely important and vital for planning, educating, implementing, and sustaining the quality initiative. A change management model provides the structure that is missing from the 5S steps for successful and sustainable change. Research shows that change, such as 5S, breaks down due to poor planning and leadership, employee resistance and human resource neglect, and insufficient reinforcement of the change in culture (Song, 2009). One such change management model that has proven success is the ADKAR change management model developed by Jeffrey Hiatt from the Prosci Learning Center. The ADKAR change management model consists of five elements that build off of each other, and focus on important areas of change; such as, evaluation, management leadership, employee engagement, training, and reinforcement (Hiatt, 2006). Although some industry professionals may prefer an alternative change management model, the ADKAR model was chosen for its simplicity, structure, and ability to implement change ranging from change in individuals to more complex company-wide change. ADKAR Elements The ADKAR change management model has five elements in its structure, and the five elements are: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement. Awareness Element of the ADKAR Model The element of awareness consists of some very important aspects in providing a solid foundation to a change initiative like lean 5S. One aspect is the ability to evaluate the organizations openness to change, and provide information for evaluating each element of the ADKAR model. For instance, determining how aware the organization is on its need to change, if management supports the proposed changes, and if the change has been communicated to the employees. Evaluation is a good starting point in determining which element of the ADKAR model is the weakest in respect to the organization making the changes. Evaluation could answer important questions like: What is the desire level of the employees to making this change happen? How knowledgeable are employees on the new processes and systems intended from the change? Are resources and workforce available to enable the laboratory to implement the changes? Is there a process for reinforcing the changes, and is the laboratory able to sustain the new systems and processes long term? Evaluation using the ADKAR change management model provides 5S leadership with a planning resource for making a strong plan prior to beginning the 5S system implementation. Awareness also promotes the importance of having strong management support for the planned 5S changes; subsequently, sponsorship is important for giving laboratory employees the feeling of being supported by upper management, and confidence knowing that resources are being provided for the full 5S implementation. Awareness likewise covers the very important process of communicating to employees the reasoning for the 5S system, and engaging employees on their concerns and ideas, and using their experience to build strong support for the 5S system. According to the survey by the Society of Human Resource Management (2007), the two highest reported barriers to successful change are employee resistance to change, and insufficient communication of the planned change. Hiatt (2006) lists the four strategies of developing awareness of change as: Operative Communication, Top Management Support, Leadership Instruction, Appropriate Information Access. Desire Element of the ADKAR Model People are naturally hesitant to change, and strategically communicating the need for 5S and showing strong management support is designed to create the next element of the ADKAR model; specifically, desire for the 5S system in the laboratory. Desire is the breaking down of change resistance and the barriers to change inherent in the laboratory employees, and engaging them to the point of turning resistance to enthusiasm. According to Zigarmi and Hoekstra (2011), resistance to change is created when change is forced on employees instead of performed with employees; furthermore, not involving the employees being affected by the change taking place is the largest obstruction to successful change. Jeffrey Hiatt (2006) lists the maneuvers for creating desire in the ADKAR model as: Sponsor the change successfully in collaboration with employees, Provide managers the ability to perform as change leaders, Appraise risk and expect resistance, Involve employees in the process, Align enticement programs to the goals. After the first two elements of ADKAR are implemented, the laboratory personnel are aware of the efficiency problems in the laboratory department, and the need for continuous quality improvement. Through effective communication and employee involvement the desire to change is strong, and employees are on board with the next step of learning about the five steps and structure of the 5S system. Not addressing the first two steps of awareness and desire is the first problem 5S practitioners make; as a result, they do not set a strong foundation for implementing a system as culturally complicated as 5S. Laboratory leaders can misinterpret the 5S system as a simple housekeeping activity or quality tool and then struggle mightily, because laboratory employees cannot understand the need for the system, and do not feel the presence of management support; accordingly, employees then naturally build a resistance to the implementation of 5S into the laboratory. Knowledge Element of the ADKAR Model Knowledge is the third element of the ADKAR change management model. Knowledge is the training element of the change management structure and consists of training all laboratory employees on the history, structure, and processes used in the 5S system. The knowledge element of the ADKAR model stresses the importance of robust instruction of how to implement and use each 5S step, and making sure laboratory employees are unified in implementing and following the procedures to be developed. Jeffrey Hiatt (2006) describes the exercises for building knowledge in the ADKAR model as: Train and educate with effectiveness, Provide work tools, Coach employees individually, Develop training groups and settings. According to the research paper by Korkut, Cakicier, Erdinler, Ulay, and Dogan (2009), 5S training by organizational leadership to the personnel executing the 5S implementation is a decisive factor in the successful 5S operation. Eaton and Caprenter (2000), reiterate the importance of training and emphasize that all affected employees need to understand how 5S works, how it is implemented, and what the results should be. Ability Element of the ADKAR Model Ability is the fourth element of the ADKAR model, and emphasizes the importance of providing resources in time, manpower, and equipment for a full implementation of all 5S steps. If time, manpower, and equipment are not adequate for implementing changes, then the whole 5S system can be compromised and each step may not be completed as the system is designed. Jeffrey Hiatt (2006) lists the exercises for crafting ability in the ADKAR model as: Support the change through daily supervisor involvement, Provide expert advice in subject material, Appraise performance, Involve employees in training exercises. According to Bevan (2011), monetary, workforce, and technological resources must be available and applied to empower the change to be executed, or the change will be impaired. Minimalizing resources on change implementation such as 5S into an industrial laboratory can weaken the sustainability of the intended changes; in summary, laboratory personnel need the tools and time to get the job done. Reinforcement Element of the ADKAR Model Reinforcement is the last element of the ADKAR change management model. This element is extremely important if the 5S system is to be sustainable for the long term in an industrial laboratory. Knowing that 5S failures happen most often when 5S practitioners neglect the last step of the 5S system, sustain, then the ADKAR model can provide the proper planning and focus needed on building a sustainable 5S system in the industrial laboratory. Reinforcement accentuates the importance of measuring the affects of 5S changes through auditing the 5S system. According to Bevan (2011), tracking the changes by comparing results with the planned vision of the 5S system and reassessing goals to promote continual improvement are critical factors in successful and sustainable change. Hiatt (2006) also underscores the importance of employee recognition for following new 5S standard operating procedures, being a team player, and enthusiastically promoting the 5S culture changes. Another point of reinf orcement is the continuation of management support, and keeping management involved with auditing and providing the needed positive feedback for employee recognition. Leaders of change must be aware of their role in successful change, and their responsibility in fostering the new system for continued growth and change in culture (Higgs Rowland, 2010). If the reinforcement of the industrial laboratory 5S system is planned for and followed, as the ADKAR model can provide, then the probability of 5S sustainability failure will extremely diminish, and the 5S culture change can become the norm. Reinforcement, Continuous Improvement, and PDSA Cycle The ADKAR model stresses the importance of a strong reinforcement process for sustainability and continuous improvement of implemented changes. An important quality and continuous improvement tool that provides a strong reinforcement process for 5S sustainability is the use of the continuous improvement cycle of PDSA (plan, do, study, act). With the inclusion of the PDSA cycle in the reinforcement element of the ADKAR model, 5S system audits, metrics, appraisals, and laboratory personnel feedback and recognition would be planned, implemented, studied for effectiveness, and continually improved by enacting changes to improve culture change reinforcement and 5S sustainably. According to the PDSA workbook from the State of Victoria Department of Health (2010), the PDSA cycle is an excellent model for continuous system improvement; furthermore, the workbook breaks down each phase of the PDSA cycle as follows: Plan Phase: The planning of the 5S improvement that answers, the who, what, when, why, and how of the initiative. Do Phase: The execution of the scheduled deliverables from the planning phase. Study Phase: The review phase of comparing where the 5S system was and where it is now since the planned improvement initiatives have been executed. Measurables are taken to determine if changes were beneficial, or if more changes are needed to meet intended plans. Act Phase: The moving forward phase to realize the gains from the cycle, determine opportunities that have risen from this initiative, and decide if the improvement cycle needs to be repeated or are new strategies apparent for improvement. The ADKAR reinforcement element employs five campaigns for reinforcing change: Celebration and Recognition, Rewards, Feedback from Employees, Audits and Performance Measurement Systems, Accountability Systems (Hiatt, 2006). To employ these reinforcement campaigns and continually improve these tactics, PDSA can provide the continuous improvement model for devising, implementing, measuring, and improving the five tactics of reinforcement that the 5S system needs for long term sustainability. Continuous quality improvement is a voyage, and the PDSA cycle provides the structure needed to verify the sustainability of 5S through recurring assessment, and prevention of disparities within the 5S system from its intentions (Quality Insights of Pennsylvania, 2011). Each PDSA cycle performed in the reinforcement element of ADKAR provides a learning experience that can be used for continually strengthening the 5S system, and sufficiently reacting to laboratory environment changes and new quality issues (Srivannaboon, 2009).

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The White Hip Hop Fan :: Music Racial Race Papers

The White Hip Hop Fan Methodology In case you are not accustomed with the group Public Enemy, the subtitles names is a play of their album "It'll Take a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back." Being not only a white hip hop fan, but a white kid trying to become a rapper, I have obviously been faced with the problem of society's non-acceptance of my type. I interviewed a friend of mine who I rap with quite often about his feelings on the subject of the white hip hop fan, and have long pondered it on my own. I read books and web sites recommended by friends and continue to search out more information on the subject. In this paper I look at the state of the white hip hop fan and of the white rapper, focusing mainly on the social and cultural impact, the way the white fan feels and is looked at by society. Description ON HIP HOP IN GENERAL: The term hip hop relates to four areas of urban culture: mcing, djing, break dancing, and graffiti art. Hip hop basically started in New York city. Who knows which of the four areas really came first, but the important thing is that they evolved together. Many of the graffiti artists were rappers who would tag their name or crew to get publicity. However, if one had to pick who really came first, I would say it was the DJs. The most important early DJs were Grandmaster Flash and Africa Bambaataa, who were hip hop kings of their respective parts of New York City. MCs began to show up in this context as people began to talk over the DJs scratching and they mostly talked about the DJ's skills and pumped up the crowd. Finally, break dancing was obviously started when people began dancing to the music. All four areas have grown up together and taken their own outside influences as well. Now that hip hop has been around for a few decades (it started back in the early 80s), it has gone thro ugh many phases, and is constantly evolving. Some of the earliest hip hoppers say that hip hop died in the 90s, but there are those purists in every musical genres who dislike its evolution for whatever reason, and they are not the majority. Today, hip hop comes in a wide variety from gangsta rap, to underground rap, to jazzrap fusion, to what I like to call pophop, and much more.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft Essay -- essays rese

Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft, Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press copyright 1974. The purpose of this book was to examine the history and social life of Salem Village to try to figure out what was the cause of the events that occurred there. I believe that the authors achieved their objective at least they did to me. Boyer and Nissenbaum's explanation for the outbreak of witchcraft accusations in Salem hinges on an understanding of the economic, political and personal issues which divided village long before 1692. At bottom, geography and history divided Salem Village and Salem Town. Situated in the interior from the bustling mercantile town of Salem, Salem Village remained primarily an agricultural community. Boyer and Nissenba...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why Western History Matters :: essays research papers

Critical Analysis for â€Å"Why Western History Matters† by Donald Kagan   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"Why Western History Matters† is an essay adapted from a speech Donald Kagan delivered to the National Association of Scholars, and was reprinted in the December 28, 1994, issue of the Wall Street Journal. Throughout Kagan’s essay, he describes the essential need for the college course, Western History. He does so by examining older cultures and explaining why they were quintessential to the past and to our future development as a society. I strongly concur with Kagan’s standpoint of the necessity of history, and the realization of how exactly our flourishing society came about. History is a key constituent in determining who we are; for to determine who we are one must first know from whence they came. In the words of George Santayana, â€Å"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it†. Donald Kagan argues for the requisiteness of Western History by describing older cultures, and then explaining how these older cultures became a key influence in what our society has become today. He examines the ancient Greek, Christian, and English culture influences that helped form our country. Throughout his essay, his depth of historical research is quite evident. He uses historical research of past cultures to imply the necessity of knowing where we, as Americans, came from. This approach helps establish the author’s credibility, and makes his presentation more plausible. The first ancient civilization that Kagan highlights is the Greek. He writes of their republic city-states, and pioneering of a â€Å"political life come to be shared by a relatively large portion of people†. He uses the Greek culture as an influence of science and reason. â€Å"The Greeks exposed everything they perceived—natural, human and divine—to the searching examination of reason.† Finally he describes the Greek quest for virtue and morality. He uses these examples to show how similar our culture is to the Greek. Second, Kagan explains of the Christian influence on our society. With the controversial idea of Christianity, â€Å"Philosophy led to the powerful divisive quarrels about the nature of God and other theological questions†. The influence of Christianity established itself within great writers of American history, who helped shape our country. Such as John Locke, who influenced our country’s foundation with the idea of God given â€Å"natural rights†, life, liberty and property. All of which define our personal freedom today. Finally, he discusses the influence of the English Revolution.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Plunkitt of Tammany Hall

Summer School I can blame no one but myself for my need to attend summer school for this year. However: I would like to blame it on my Spanish teacher, my mother, my siblings, my dog ate the homework, anyone but Christopher L. Martin. Summer school was not in my game plan the first day of school last year. I entered my school, Lake Catholic HAS, with the calm surety and purpose of a bona-fide tenth grader, Vie been here before.My anxiety level was low but my expectations for the future year were high. There are times when I think that I remain overwhelmed in some way by the enormity of the campus; the numerous classrooms, by the tough rules that are actually enforced. Transitioning from a small Catholic parish school boasting an 8th grade graduating class of 34 students to a large campus of hundreds of students present a challenge to â€Å"fit-in† that I had never experienced. I began the August, 2011 school year anticipating the spectacular athletic and academically successfu l year ahead of me.I ever thought that such a hopeful day would end in humiliation a years end. You might ask what caused this major shift in my universe. I failed both semesters of Spanish II and had to retake the entire year during summer school at SST. Robert Williams in Euclid, OH. I will be honest and admit that prior to formulating thoughts to Jot down in preparation of writing this personal essay; I thought the most devastating result of having to attend summer school was that I was automatically ineligible to participate in football.I was not allowed to attend practice or to Join the am for the annual trip to the Edinburgh campus where players honed their skills and bonded as men. I now realize and accept the fact that my behavior placed a heavy financial burden on my families finances. Summer school is not cheap! . The cost of attending summer school hit our budget so hard that my 2011-2012 grades were not paid for until it was too late to pick up the summer reading assignm ents. I am therefore very grateful to have the option of writing this personal essay. Paying for summer school had our family without food and water.Not only did my having to attend summer school overwhelm our family budget, the time factor ruined any chances I might have had for summer employment. I had to wake up every morning to go to school and remain in that hot stuffy building for four hours a day, 5 days a week for 4 weeks. It may be difficult to believe, but there were times when our instructor would keep us in class for an extra hour or two. The requirements were so intense that I spent most of the long hot summer nights and week-ends stuck in the house completing homework assignments.Unfortunate as it was, I feel this experience has opened my eyes to my need to take personal responsibility for myself in all areas of my live including school. Writing this essay also makes me realize the unconditional love and faith my mother has in me in spite of what I did or didn't do. Ha rdship it placed on her as a divorced single parent and her ability to provide for me and my siblings. My athletic scholarship has been revoked because of this and still she works hard to keep me here so that I can get the best education available.She didn't even include caring for herself into the equation because she was focused on supporting me and my siblings. Yea, she stayed on me to the point of angry outbursts; however, I realize the reason for her persistence at keeping me focused is based on her love for me and her hopes for me to enjoy a bright future. It is also noted in my mind, that accurate, timely completion of class assignments is a precursor to life as a college student and as a functioning, contributing member of society. I am considering this summer school experience from beginning to end as a â€Å"lesson learned. â€Å"

Effects of Fast Food Essay

INTRODUCTION Junk food is typically defined as foods with little nutritional value that are high in calories, fat, sugar, salt, or caffeine. It is widely believed that the term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972. Common junk foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and carbonated beverages. The convenience, price and predictability of fast food makes it a frequent meal choice for many people. However, as consumption of fast food has risen over the last three decades, so too have occurrences of several health issues and diseases related to fast food and unhealthy eating habits. Eaten regularly, fast food can put you at an increased risk for developing diabetes, heart disease or obesity. The fast food industry in India has evolved with the changing lifestyles of young Indian population. The sheer variety of gastronomic preferences across the regions has brought about different modules across the country. Many of the traditional dishes have adapted to suit the emerging fast food outlets. The basic adaption is to decrease the processing and serving time. HEALTH EFFECTS A study by Paul Johnson and Paul Kenny at the Scripps Research Institute (2008) suggested that junk food consumption alters brains activity in a manner similar to addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin. The increase of junk food is directly associated with the increase in obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, certain cancers, tooth decay, and other diseases. Fast Food Contributes to Obesity Fast food is a major contributor to rising occurrences of obesity. Calorie-laden fast food meals can contain nearly a full day’s worth of calories and fat and, eaten regularly, can increase your chances of obesity. According to CBS News Health Watch, almost one-third of U.S children between the ages of 4 and 19 consume fast food which, depending on the regularity which with fast food is eaten, can cause a 6-pound weight increase per year. Fast Food increases Diabetes Along with obesity, consumption of fast food has been linked to an increased chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes. In Type 2 Diabetes, either your body is unable to regulate blood sugar with insulin, or is unable to produce insulin. Increased body fat, along with a high-sugar and high-carbohydrate diet, can increase your body’s resistance to insulin, which monitors your blood sugar levels. An article published by the US Department of Health and Human Services states that people who ate fast food two or more times per week were twice as likely to experience insulin resistance. Fast Food is High in Sodium Fast food is typically very high in sodium. A large order of fast food french fries can contain as much as 30% of your daily value of sodium. While important to consume in small amounts, a diet high in sodium can lead to high blood pressure, a potential precursor to heart disease. As excess sodium builds up in your bloodstream, your heart must work harder to pump blood successfully, which can cause hypertension and high blood pressure. Regularly consuming foods high in sodium can greatly increase your chances of developing high blood pressure. Fast Food is Low in Nutrients Many fast food are low in nutrients. Hamburgers served on white bread, french fries and other high-carbohydrate sides and fried or high-fat meats are common fast food menu items, and all lack important nutrients such as vitamins found in fresh produce, fiber found in whole grains and protein served without added fat. Foods which are high in sugar and carbohydrates but low in nutrients are also often less filling than healthier options, and can lead to overeating. Furthermore, non-nutritious fast food several times per week can impact your energy levels and mood, and may put you at risk for vitamin deficiency. Harmful Effects of Junk Food * The regular consumption of junk food is the leading factor in obesity and excess weight. * Obesity is second only to smoking as a cause of death in America. * 46% of Canadian adults are either overweight or obese, with obesity in children increasing three-fold over the past 2 decades. * Consumption of Aerated drinks containing sugar has been linked to weight gain and an increased risk for development of type 2 diabetes. * Studies have revealed that obese people have twice the rate of chronic health problems as people of normal weight. * Junk food diet is a major cause of heart diseases. * High cholesterol resulting from junk food puts undue strain on the liver, causing long-term damage to this essential organ. * Research has suggested that diets high in fat may also impair essential brain functions, like concentration and memory. The junk food facts about Aerated drinks alone are alarming. There is compelling evidence that regular consumption of Aerated drinks leads to Increased rates of: – * Bone fracture * Osteoporosis * Weight gain and obesity * Type II Diabetes * Kidney stones * Tooth decay and other dental problems ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am deeply indebted to my Economics teacher, Mrs. Payal Mathur, without whose help this project would not have been possible. The success of this project depends largely on the encouragement and guidance provided by Mrs. Payal Mathur. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. I can’t thank them enough for their tremendous support and sparing their valuable time. I would like to thank the people of my colony, my friends and relatives who were my respondents and painstakingly filled the questionnaires. The guidance and support received from all my family members who contributed to this project, was vital for the success of the project. I am grateful for their constant support and help. Last but not the least, I also acknowledge the effort put in by my elder sister Miss Upasna Handa in compiling the project. BIBLIOGRAPHY INFORMATION: * * * * PICTURES: * JUNK FOOD FACTS – CHILDREN * The junk food industry deliberately targets children as young as 2 in a bid to create brand preference and lifelong loyalty. * Advertisers question kids and tap into their play to create ads and products with guaranteed child-appeal. Fast food chains use the lure of free toys to get kids to persuade their parents to spend. A desirable toy can double or triple weekly sales of kids’ meals. And every child brings along at least one adult too. * Flavorings and colorings can cause asthma, rashes and hyperactivity. Many countries – but not the UK – ban them from children’s food. JUNK FOOD FACTS – AERATEDDRINKS * The metal can costs more than the ingredients, which are primarily water mixed with additives, sugar or sweetener, and caffeine. A can of cola contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. * Aerated drinks are aggressively marketed by fast food chains, because they are so profitable, at around 97% profit on the price per cup. The bigger the cup, the greater the profit. * In the US, average adult consumption of Aerated drinks is around 500 cans a year. * Twenty per cent of American under-2s are given Aerated drinks – laden with sugar and additives – every day. DISGUSTING JUNK FOOD FACTS ABOUT THE FOOD ON YOUR PLATE * Canned spaghetti A helping of carbohydrate, salt and sugar, with virtually no fibre, anyone? * Chicken nuggets Low cost nuggets are cheap because they contain as little as 16% pulped chicken, bulked out with water, chicken skin, proteins removed from bone, hide, or poultry feathers, mechanically retrieved meat; plus the ubiquitous sugar, additives and salt. They also contain bulking agents used to soak up the water that’s injected into chicken to increase the weight – and the profit. Minced meat can hid a multitude of revolting ‘extras’ : carcinogenic antibiotics, recycled cat food, and poultry mixed with beef proteins have all been found in chicken destined for the production line. * Chocolate muffin Ruinously high in sugar, and made with the big baddie of the junk food industry, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil which has zero nutritional value, and damages heart and arteries. * Fries Fat-packed and low in nutrients. May be coated with additives and salt. * Fruit yoghurts, ready-made sauces, fruit drinks, baby foods – and more†¦ Modified starches, along with colorings and flavorings, mimic the texture of fresh fruit and veg, so that manufacturers’ can use less of the real thing. They also mask rancid flavors’ and smells. * Milkshakes A simple-sounding ingredient, like ‘artificial strawberry flavor’ can in itself contain around 50 chemicals. And not one single strawberry. What’s in some of that Junk Food? * One teaspoon of sugar is extracted from a stalk of sugarcane one metre in length! * A super-sized order of McDonald’s fries contains 610 calories and 29 grams of fat. * A king-sized order of Burger King’s fries packs 590 calories and 30 grams of fat. * A king-sized Burger King meal, (Double Whopper with cheese, large fries and large drink) contains 1,800 calories (mostly derived from fat and refined sugar). To ‘burn’ these calories would take nearly 6 hours of cycling (at 20 miles per hour). Junk Food Advertising * The food industry spends over $33 billion per year in the US alone to advertise food products that could be classified as junk food. * The majority of food advertising during children’s television programming is for sweetened cereals, Aerated drinks, candy, processed snacks and fast foods. * The average American child sees around 20,000 ads a year for junk food. * Over 90% of American children eat at McDonald’s at least once per month. * American teenagers drink an average of 760 can of soda pop per year (with boys drinking about 25% more than girls). * The average American of any age drinks over 500 cans of Aerated drinks per year. * Nearly 20% of children under 2 years of age are given Aerated drinks every day in America! * The average person today consumes more sugar in two weeks than a person a century ago would have eaten in a whole year. That’s a junk food fact!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Strategic Hrm

Cornell University ILR School [email  protected] CAHRS Working Paper Series Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) 4-1-2006 Strategic Management and HRM Mathew R. Allen Patrick M. Wright Cornell University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons. ilr. cornell. edu/cahrswp This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) at [email  protected] It has been accepted for inclusion in CAHRS Working Paper Series by an authorized administrator of [email  protected]For more information, please contact [email  protected] edu. Strategic Management and HRM Abstract [Excerpt] The purpose of this chapter is to discuss this intersection between Strategic Management and HRM, what we know, and future directions for SHRM research. We will begin by briefly discussing the concept of strategy and the popularization of the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm. Next we will address its role in creating the link between HRM and Strategic Management including key questions that the RBV has raised in relation to SHRM.We will then examine the current state of affairs in SHRM; the progress made, and key questions and concerns occupying the attention of SHRM researchers. Finally, we will conclude with our views on future directions for SHRM research. Keywords CAHRS, ILR, center, human resource, studies, advanced, link, information technology, business partner, strategic role, competencies, HR, HRM, HR professionals, management Comments Suggested Citation Allen, M. R. & Wright, P. M. (2006). Strategic management and HRM (CAHRS Working Paper #06-04).Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies. http://digitalcommons. ilr. cornell. edu/cahrswp/404/ This article is available at [email  protected]: http://digitalcommons. ilr. cornell. edu/cahrswp/404 CAHRS at Cornell University 187 Ives Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-3901 USA T el. 607 255-9358 www. ilr. cornell. edu/CAHRS WORKING PAPER SERIES Strategic Management and HRM Mathew R. Allen Patrick M. Wright Working Paper 06 – 04 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04Strategic Management and HRM Mathew R. Allen Patrick M. Wright Department of Human Resource Studies School of Industrial and Labor Relations Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-3901 April 2006 http://www. ilr. cornell. edu/cahrs This paper has not undergone formal review or approval of the faculty of the ILR School. It is intended to make results of Center research available to others interested in preliminary form to encourage discussion and suggestions. Most (if not all) of the CAHRS Working Papers are available for reading at the Catherwood Library.For information on what’s available link to the Cornell Library Catalog: http://catalog. library. cornell. edu if you wish. Page 2 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 Abstract Page 3 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 Strategic Management and HRM Introduction It has been said that the most important assets of any business walk out the door at the end of each day. Indeed, people and the management of people are increasingly seen as key elements of competitive advantage (Boxall & Purcell, 2003; Pfeffer, 1998; Gratton, Hailey & Truss, 2000).Spurred on by increasing competition, fast paced technological change, globalization and other factors, businesses are seeking to understand how one of the last truly competitive resources, their human resources, can be managed for competitive advantage. This idea that the human resources of a firm can play a strategic role in the success of an organization has led to the formation of a field of research often referred to as strategic human resource management (SHRM).This relatively young field represents an intersection of the strategic management and human resource management (HRM) literatures (Boxall, 1998; Boxall and Purcell, 2000). Wright and M cMahan (1992) defined strategic human resource management as â€Å"the pattern of planned human resource deployments and activities intended to enable the firm to achieve its goals† (1992, p. 298). The purpose of this chapter is to discuss this intersection between Strategic Management and HRM, what we know, and future directions for SHRM research.We will begin by briefly discussing the concept of strategy and the popularization of the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm. Next we will address its role in creating the link between HRM and Strategic Management including key questions that the RBV has raised in relation to SHRM. We will then examine the current state of affairs in SHRM; the progress made, and key questions and concerns occupying the attention of SHRM researchers. Finally, we will conclude with our views on future directions for SHRM research. Strategy And The Resource-Based View Of The FirmThe field of strategy focuses on how firms can position themselves to c ompete, and its popularity began increasing exponentially in the mid 1980s with two books. First, Peters & Page 4 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 Waterman’s (1982) In Search of Excellence provided a practitioner-oriented analysis of excellent companies and the common threads that united them. However, Porter’s (1980) Competitive Strategy presented a more academically based analysis of strategy, but in a way that practitioners/executives quickly gravitated toward.This Industrial/Organization Economicsbased analysis primarily focused on industry characteristics, in particular the five forces of barriers to entry, power of buyers, power of suppliers, substitutes, and competitive rivalry as the determinants of industry profitability. While this analysis did propose four generic strategies (cost, differentiation, focus, and ‘stuck in the middle’), the bulk of the analysis focused on external factors that determined company profitability. This f ramework seemed to dominate strategic management thinking of the early 1980s.However, with the advent of the resource-based view of the firm (Barney, 1991; Wernerfelt, 1980), strategic management research moved to a more internal focus. Rather than simply developing competitive strategies to address the environment, the resource-based view suggested that firms should look inward to their resources, both physical and intellectual, for sources of competitive advantage. Though others had addressed the concept of the RBV previously, Barney (1991) specifically explicated how firm resources contribute to the sustained competitive advantage of the firm.He suggested that resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable and non-substitutable will lead to competitive advantage. Value in this context is defined as resources either exploiting opportunities or neutralizing threats to the organization and rarity is defined as being a resource that is not currently available to a large number of the organization’s current or future competitors (Barney, 1991). Inimitability refers to the fact it is difficult for other firms to copy or otherwise reproduce the resources for their own use.Finally, non-substitutability means that other resources cannot be used by competitors in order to replicate the benefit (Barney 1991). When all four of these conditions are met, it is said that the firm or organization possess resources which can potentially lead to a sustained competitive advantage over time. Page 5 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 The resource-based view has become almost the assumed paradigm within strategic management research (Barney and Wright, 2001).It has been the basic theoretical foundation from which much of the current strategic management research regarding knowledge-based views of the firm (Grant, 1996), human capital (Hitt et al. , 2001), and dynamic capabilities (Teece, Pisano, & Schuen, 1997) are derived. In fact, Priem and Butler (2001) ma pped RBV studies against eighteen strategy research topics, demonstrating the breadth of its diffusion within the strategic management domain.More importantly from the standpoint of this chapter, the resource-based view has become the guiding paradigm on which virtually all strategic HRM research is based (Wright, Dunford, & Snell, 2001). In spite of the wide acceptance of the RBV, it is not without criticism. Priem and Butler, (2001a, b) have leveled the most cogent critique to date suggesting that the RBV does not truly constitute a theory. Their argument focuses primarily on two basic issues. First, they suggest that the RBV is basically tautological in its definition of key constructs.They note that Barney’s statement that â€Å"if a firm’s valuable resources are absolutely unique among a set of competing and potentially competing firms, those resources will generate at least a competitive advantage (Barney, 2001: 102)† essentially requires definitional depe ndence. In other words, without definitional dependence (i. e. â€Å"valuable resources†) the diametrical statement – that unique firms possess competitive advantages – does not logically follow. Their second major criticism of the RBV as a â€Å"theory† focuses on the inability to test it (Priem & Butler, 2001b). They note he necessity condition of â€Å"falsifiability† for a theory. In other words, in order for a set of stated relationships to constitute a theory, the relationships must be able to be measured and tested in a way that allows for the theory to be found to be false. This relates directly to the tautology criticism, but brings the debate into the empirical realm. In spite of these criticisms, even the critics agree that the impact of the RBV on strategic management research has been significant and that the effort to focus on the internal aspects of the organization in explaining competitive advantage has been a useful one (Preim & B utler,Page 6 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 2001b). While the debate might continue as to the theoretical implications of the RBV for strategic management research, it is clear that it has made a significant contribution to Strategic Management and, more specifically, SHRM research (Wright, Dunford & Snell, 2001). A Brief History Of Strategic HRM Wright and McMahan’s (1992) definition of strategic human resource management illustrates that the major focus of the field should be on aligning HR with firm strategies.Jim Walker’s (1980) classic book, Human Resource Planning, was one of the first to directly suggest considering a firm’s business strategy when developing a human resource plan. Devanna, Fombrum, and Tichy’s (1981) article, â€Å"Human Resources Management: a Strategic Perspective†, added to the foundation. These attempts tended to take an existing strategy typology (e. g. Miles and Snow’s (1978) prospectors, analy zers and defenders) and delineate the kinds of HRM practices that should be associated with each strategy. These attempts to tie HRM to strategy have been referred to as â€Å"vertical alignment† (Wright & McMahan, 1992).Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Mills and Walton (1984) introduced an alternative to the individual HR sub-function framework for HR strategy. They argued that viewing HRM as separate HR sub-functions was a product of the historical development of HRM and current views of HR departments. They proposed a more generalist approach to viewing HRM with the focus on the entire HR system rather than single HR practices. This led to a focus on how the different HR sub-functions could be aligned and work together to accomplish the goals of HRM and a more macro view of HRM as whole rather than individual functions.This alignment of HR functions with each other is often referred to as â€Å"horizontal alignment† (see this Handbook, chapter 19. ) The combination of both vertical and horizontal alignment was a significant step in explaining how HRM could contribute to the accomplishment of strategic goals. However, given the external focus of the strategic management literature at that time, HR was seen to play only a secondary role in the accomplishment of strategy with an emphasis on the role that HRM Page 7 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 layed in strategy implementation, but not strategy formulation. Lengnick-Hall and LengnickHall (1988) stated â€Å"strategic human resource management models emphasize implementation over strategy formulation. Human resources are considered means, not part of generating or selecting strategic objectives. Rarely are human resources seen as a strategic capacity from which competitive choices should be derived† (1988, p. 456). A shift in strategic management thinking would be required to change that perception and open the door for further development of the SHRM literature.The diffusion of the resource-based view into the Strategic HRM literature spurred this paradigmatic shift in the view of the link between strategy and HRM. Because the resourcebased view proposes that firm competitive advantage comes from the internal resources that it possesses (Wernerfelt, 1984; Barney, 1991), the RBV provided a legitimate foundation upon which HRM researchers could argue that people and the human resources of a firm could in fact contribute to firm-level performance and influence strategy formulation.This resulted in a number of efforts to conceptually or theoretically tie strategic HRM to the resource-based view. For instance, Wright, McMahan, and McWilliams (1994) suggested that while HR practices might be easily imitated, the human capital pool of an organization might constitute a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Lado and Wilson (1994) argued that HR practices combined into an overall HR system can be valuable, unique, and difficult to imitate, thus constituting a resource meeting the conditions necessary for sustained competitive advantage.Boxall (1996, 1998) proposed a distinction between human resource advantage (advantage stemming from a superior human capital pool) and organizational process advantage (advantage stemming from superior processes for managing human capital). The resource-based view also provided the theoretical rationale for empirical studies of how HR practices might impact firm success. One of the early empirical studies of this relationship was carried out by Arthur (1994). Using a sample of steel mini-mills, he found that a specific set of HR practices was significantly related to firm performance in the form of lower Page 8 of 26Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 scrap rates and lower turnover. Huselid (1995), in his landmark study, demonstrated that the use of a set of 13 HRM practices representing a ‘high-performance work system’ was significantly and positively related to lower turnover, and higher profits, sales, and market value for the firms studied. In a similar study, MacDuffie (1995), using data from automobile manufacturing plants, demonstrated that different bundles of HR practices led to higher performance, furthering the argument that the integrated HR system, rather than individual HR practices, leads to higher performance.Delery and Doty (1996) similarly demonstrated the impact of HR practices on firm performance among a sample of banks. This vein of research quickly expanded in the U. S. (e. g. , Batt, 1999; Huselid, Jackson, & Schuler, 1996; Youndt, Snell, Dean, & Lepak,, 1996), the U. K. (e. g. , Brewster, 1999; Guest, 1997; Guest, Michie, Conway, & Sheehan, 2003; Tyson, 1997), elsewhere in Europe (e. g. , d’Arcimoles, 1997; Lahteenmaki, Story, & Vanhala, 1998; Rodriguez & Ventura, 2003) and Asia (e. g. Bae & Lawler, 2000; Lee & Chee, 1996; Lee & Miller, 1999), as well as in multinational corporations operating in multiple international environment s (Brewster, Sparrow, and Harris, 2000). In sum, the RBV, with its focus on the internal resources possessed by a firm, has given the field a theoretical understanding of why human resources systems might lead to sustainable competitive advantage and provided the spark to generate empirical research in this vein (Guest, 2001; Paauwe & Boselie, 2005; , Wright et al, 2005). Key Questions Raised By The Application Of RBV To SHRMIn spite of the significant amount of research demonstrating a link between HRM practices and firm performance, there are several key questions regarding the RBV and its implications for SHRM research that remain unanswered. First, there is some question as to whether current research on HRM and performance is truly testing the RBV. Second, there is still a general lack of understanding around the concept of fit, and its role in the link between strategy and HRM. Third, there are still unanswered questions regarding HRM and whether orPage 9 of 26 Strategic Manag ement and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 not HRM defined as systems of HR practices truly constitutes a resource under the conditions outlined by Barney (1991) and, specifically, whether those resources are truly sustainable over time. Finally, there are several measurement and methodological issues that, while not within the direct scope of this chapter, are worth mentioning as they are pertinent to our discussion of this intersection between Strategic Management and HRM research. Testing of the RBV within SHRMWhile the SHRM research just discussed has used the RBV as a basis for the assertion that HRM contributes to performance, it has not actually tested the theory that was presented in Barney’s (1991) article (Wright, Dunford & Snell, 2001). Most of this research has taken a similar view on how HR practices can lead to firm performance. The model generally argues that HRM in the form of HR practices directly impacts the employees either by increasing human capital or motivation or bot h. This in turn will have an impact on operational outcomes such as quality, customer service, turnover or other operational level outcomes.These operational outcomes will in turn impact firm-level outcomes such as financial performance in the form of revenues, profits or other firm-level measures of performance (Dyer, 1984). In a similar vein, Wright Dunford and Snell, (2001) point out that there are three important components of HRM that constitute a resource for the firm that are influenced by the HR practices or HR system. First, there is the human capital pool comprised of the stock of employee knowledge, skills, motivation and behaviors.HR practices can help build the knowledge and skill base as well as elicit relevant behavior. Second, there is the flow of human capital through the firm. This reflects the movement of people (with their individual knowledge, skills and abilities) as well as knowledge itself. HR practices can certainly influence the movement of people. However, more importantly, the types of reward systems, culture, and other aspects of HRM influence the extent to which employees are willing to create, share, and apply knowledge internally. Page 10 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04Third, the dynamic processes through which organizations change and/or renew themselves constitute the third area illustrating the link between HRM and the resource-based view of the firm. HR practices are the primary levers through which the firm can change the pool of human capital as well as attempt to change the employee behaviors that lead to organizational success. There appears to be a general consensus among SHRM researchers around the general model of the HR to performance relationship and the role of HR practices, the human capital pool, and employee motivation and behaviors as discussed by Dyer (1984) and others.The implications of this for RBV and SHRM research is that while separate components of the full HRM to performance model have been tested such as HR practices (Huselid, 1995; McDuffie, 1995) and human capital (Richard, 2001; Wright, McMahan & Smart, 1995), a full test of the causal model through which HRM impacts performance has not (Wright, Gardner, Moynihan, & Allen, 2005; Wright, Dunford & Snell, 2001; Boxall, 1998). Current research has established an empirical relationship between HR practices and firm performance, but more remains to be done.By testing the full model, including the additional components of the human capital pool and employee relationships and behaviors, a more complete test of the underlying assumptions of the RBV could be established, thus adding credibility to the theoretical model of the relationship between HRM and performance. Fit and the Resource-based View of the Firm In the Priem and Butler (2001) critique of the RBV, one of the points brought up as a theoretical weakness of the RBV is lack of definition around the boundaries or contexts in which it will hold.They point out that â€Å"relative to other strategy theories †¦ little effort to establish the appropriate contexts for the RBV has been apparent† (2001 p. 32). The notion of context has been an important issue in the study of SHRM (Delery & Doty, 1996, Boxall & Purcell, 2000). Most often referred to as contingencies (or the idea of fit), contextual arguments center on the Page 11 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 idea that the role that HRM plays in firm performance is contingent on some other variable.We break our discussion of fit into the role of human capital and HR practices. Human Capital and Fit. The most often cited perspective for explaining contingency relationships in SHRM is the behavioral perspective (Jackson, Schuler & Rivero, 1989) which posits that different firm strategies (other contingencies could be inserted as well) require different kinds of behaviors from employees. Consequently, the success of these strategies is dependent at least in part on th e ability of the firm to elicit these behaviors from its employees (Cappelli & Singh, 1992; Wright & Snell, 1998).Going back to the distinction between human capital skills and employee behavior, Wright and Snell (1999) noted that skills and abilities tend to be necessary, but not sufficient conditions for employee behavior. Consequently, any fit to firm strategy must first consider the kinds of employee behavior (e. g. , experimentation and discovery) required to successfully execute the strategy (e. g. , focused on offering innovative products), and the kinds of skills necessary to exhibit those behaviors (e. g. , scientific knowledge).Obviously, the workforce at Nordstrom’s (an upscale retailer) is quite different from the workforce at Wal-Mart (a discount retailer). Thus, the resource-based application to SHRM requires focusing on a fit between the skills and behaviors of employees that are best suited to the firm’s strategy (Wright et al. 1995). While this idea of fit focuses on across-firm variance in the workforce, Lepak and Snell (1999) developed a framework that simultaneously addresses variation across firms and variations in HR systems within firms (see this Handbook, chapter 11).Their model of ‘human resource architecture’ posits that the skills of individuals or jobs within a firm can be placed along two dimensions: value (to the firm’s strategy) and uniqueness. Their framework demonstrates how different jobs within firms may need to be managed differently, but it also helps to explain differences across firms. For instance, within Wal-Mart, those in charge of logistics have extremely valuable and unique skills, much more so than the average sales Page 12 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 associate.On the other hand, at Nordstrom’s, because customer service is important, sales associate skills are more critical to the strategy than those of the logistics employees. HR Practices and Fit. The t heoretical assumption that the skills and behaviors of employees must fit the strategic needs of the firm in order for the workforce to be a source of competitive advantage leads to the exploration of how HR practices might also need to achieve some form of fit. With regard to vertical fit, as noted previously, business strategies require different skills and behaviors from employees.Because HR practices are generally the levers through which the firm manages these different skills and behaviors, one would expect to see different practices associated with different strategies. For instance, one would expect that firms focused on low cost might not pay the same level of wages and benefits as firms focused on innovation or customer service. Horizontal fit refers to a fit between HR practices to ensure that the individual HR practices are set up in such a way that they support each other (Boxall & Purcell, 2003; Baird & Meshoulam, 1988, Delery, 1998).An example of this would be a selec tion process that focuses on finding team players and a compensation system that focuses on team-based rewards. Theoretically, the rationale for horizontal fit suggests that (a) complementary bundles of HR practices can be redundantly reinforcing the development of certain skills and behaviors resulting in a higher likelihood that they will occur and (b) conflicting practices can send mixed signals to employees regarding necessary skills and behaviors that reduce the probability that they will be exhibited (Becker & Huselid, 1998).There appears to be some agreement in the literature that both types of fit are necessary for optimal impact of HRM on performance (Baird & Meshoulam, 1988; Delery, 1998; Delery & Doty, 1996; Boxall & Purcell, 2003), but not necessarily empirical support for these types of fit (see this Handbook, chapter 27; Wright & Sherman, 1999). Potential Pitfalls of Fit. The idea of fit, whether it be vertical or horizontal, raises two important questions for SHRM res earchers. The first question focuses on empirical support forPage 13 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 the idea of fit. Second, even if fit has positive consequences in the short term, does fitting HRM practices with strategy or other contingent variables universally lead to positive results? That is, are there negative implications of fit? As previously discussed, numerous researchers have argued for fitting HRM to contingent variables. However, the efficacy of fit has not received much empirical support (Paauwe, 2004; Wright & Sherman, 1999).Huselid’s (1995) landmark study sought to test the fit hypothesis using a variety of conceptualizations of fit, yet found little support. Similarly, Delery and Doty (1996) only found limited support across a number of fit tests. The lack of empirical support may largely be due to focusing only on a fit between generic HRM practices and strategy, rather than the outcomes, or products (Wright, 1998) of the HRM practices (sk ills, behaviors, etc. ). Thus, it seems that it may be too early to draw any definite conclusions about the validity of the fit hypothesis.However, while fit between HRM practices and various contingency variables might enhance the ability of HRM to contribute to firm performance, there is also the possibility that a tight fit between HRM and strategy may inhibit the ability of the firm to remain flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. Firms are increasingly required to adapt to environments that are constantly changing, both within and outside the firm. A tight fit may appear to be desirable but during times of transition and/or change a lack of fit might make adaptation and change more efficient (Lengnick-Hall, Lengnick-Hall, 1988).Wright and Snell (1998) developed a framework in which HRM contributes to fit and flexibility simultaneously without conflict between the two, but this framework has yet to be tested and the question remains as to when and where fit might be more or less appropriate. The second question raised by contextual issues surrounding SHRM and the idea of fit is related to the efficacy of fit. Regardless of whether or not fit can have a positive effect on organizational outcomes, there is still some question as to whether or not true fit with key contingencies is feasible.Large organizations operate in complex environments, often across Page 14 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 multiple products, industries and geographies. This complexity leads to questions regarding the ability of the firm to fit HRM practices to all of these diverse and complex circumstances (Boxall & Purcell, 2003). In addition, Boxall and Purcell, (2003) argue that there are competing ideals within a business that require trade-offs in fit.They describe fit as â€Å"a process that involves some tension among competing objectives in management and inevitably implies tensions among competing interests† (2003, p. 188). A simple example o f these tensions can be seen in attempting to fit a strategy of commitment to employees with a hostile or extremely competitive operating environment. A firm with a strategic commitment to the well-being of employees operating in an economic downturn or time of increased competition may be forced to make choices between commitment to employees and a need for estructuring, layoffs or other non-friendly actions toward employees in order to stay solvent. In these situations, compromises will have to be made on either the fit with the strategy or the fit with the environment or both, raising the question again as to whether or not a true fit with contingencies is feasible. These questions regarding the ability to achieve fit and the desirability of achieving fit do not diminish the importance of understanding contextual issues in SHRM research.Understanding the contextual issues surrounding HRM and its impact on performance remains critical. In spite of the interest in the role of conte xtual issues and fit in SHRM, findings in support of contingency relationships have been mixed (Wright & Sherman, 1999). Much of this criticism could be due to ineffective methods used in the measurement of HRM or the contingency and performance variables studied or that the correct contingencies have not yet been studied (Becker & Gerhart, 1996, Rogers & Wright, 1998; Wright & Sherman, 1999).In addition, Boxall and Purcell (2000) have argued that more complex and comprehensive models of contingency relationships are needed in order to understand the impact of context on the HRM to performance relationship. Regardless of the reasoning, it is clear that the impact of context on this important relationship is not yet completely understood and more research is Page 15 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 needed to understand the role of context, as well as questions surrounding models of fit in SHRM research.HRM Practices and Sustainable Competitive Advantage Another issue that has been raised by the RBV and its application to SHRM research is the sustainability of HRM as a competitive advantage. Whether one focuses on bundles of HR practices as an HR system, the human capital pool or employee relationships and behaviors, there remains the question as to whether HRM as a resource meets the inimitability and nonsubstitutability conditions that are required in the RBV for sustained competitive advantage (Barney, 1991).According to Barney (1991), there are three general reasons why firm resources would be difficult to imitate: the resources are created and formed under unique historical conditions, the resources are causally ambiguous, or the resources are socially complex. Labeled as path dependency by Becker and Gerhart (1996), the unique historical conditions under which HRM is formed in individual firms may make its understanding and replication extremely difficult, if not impossible.HR systems are developed over time and the complex history involved in their development makes them difficult to replicate. The development and implementation of a single HR practice such as a variable pay system takes place over time including time to solicit management input and buy-in, work out discrepancies, and align the practice with current strategies as well as firm culture and needs. The end result is a practice that reflects the philosophies and culture of the firm and its management, created to solve the specific needs of the company.Compound that single HR practice with a whole system of practices each with its own history and evolution specific to a particular firm, its philosophies and current situation and you have an HR system that cannot be bought or easily replicated without a significant investment both of time and financial resources. Causal ambiguity implies that the exact manner in which human resource management contributes to the competitive advantage of the firm is either unknown or sufficiently ambiguous Page 16 of 26 Stra tegic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 so as to be difficult or impossible to imitate.According to Becker and Gerhart (1996), the ability to replicate a successful HR system would require an understanding of how all of the elements of this complex system interact and in turn impact the performance of an organization. Given the previous discussion of the basic HRM to performance model and the manner in which it is expected that HRM contributes to firm performance, it is difficult to imagine how the intricate interplay among various HR practices, human capital and employee behaviors, employee outcomes, operational outcomes and firm-level outcomes could be understood by a competitor in a meaningful way.Finally, Barney (1991) points out that competitors will find it difficult to replicate a competitive advantage based on complex social phenomena. Given the nature of HRM and its direct relation to employees, almost every aspect of the HR system, the human capital and especially the emplo yee behavior and relationships has a social component.The way in which HR practices are communicated and implemented among different departments and parts of the organization is influenced by the various social relationships involved; top management to general managers, general managers to department heads or managers and those managers to employees as well as interactions between departments and employees. The complexity of the social relationships in the case of HRM makes it difficult for competitors to imitate it. Finally, for a resource to constitute a source of sustainable competitive advantage it must be non-substitutable.This implies that competitors should not be able to use a different set of resources in order to achieve similar results (Barney, 1991). This concept has not yet been tested, but could provide for interesting research in the area of contextual factors and SHRM. If, in fact, it is found that a particular set of HR practices is positively related to performance in a given context, then, a follow-on question to that which would get at the substitutability question might be whether or not there is another set of HR practices for which the results are similar.This could lead to discussions about strategic configurations of HR Page 17 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 practices rather than universal high-performance work systems that have dominated past research (Delery & Doty, 1996). Regardless of whether there is one or many ways to achieve similar results in different contextual situations, the testing of these possibilities would lead to an increased understanding of the relationship between the RBV and SHRM research and the sustainability of HRM as a strategic resource.Measurement and Methodological Issues In addition to key questions surrounding the RBV and SHRM research, there are also several measurement and methodological issues which have hindered our ability to better understand the relationship between strategy and HRM. Measurement issues relating to the HRM, competitive advantage and key control variables have made the comparison of results across studies and interpretation of findings difficult (Rogers & Wright, 1998; Dyer & Reeves, 1995).In addition, there are questions around the appropriate level of analysis within the firm at which to test these relationships as well as issues related to the mixing of variables measured at different levels of analysis (Rogers & Wright 1998, Becker & Gerhart, 1996). Finally, as was pointed out, the majority of research to date has focused on the relationship between HR systems and firm-level performance and, while the findings indicate a positive relationship, there is insufficient evidence at this point to be able to infer that the relationship is causal (Wright et al. , 2005).A full discussion of these issues is beyond the scope of this chapter and a more thorough discussion may be found in other chapters in this text (see particularly chapters 26 and 2 7), but it is important to note in discussing key questions in SHRM that they exist and need to be addressed or at least considered in future research. Future Directions Research on SHRM management over the past decade has made significant progress in developing our understanding of the role that HRM plays in firm performance. The field now has a significant foundation upon which to build future research.In our opinion, future research should focus on both answering key questions that remain in understanding the relationship Page 18 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 between HRM and performance and by expanding or broadening what is considered SHRM. Such extension would encompass both other resources and other theories currently studied in strategic management research. Key Unanswered Questions The previous portion of the chapter pointed out several key questions that have been raised as a result of the application of the RBV to SHRM research that are not yet answered. First, research that directly tests the concepts outlined in the RBV has not been done (Priem & Butler, 2001). Thus future research should focus on testing the concepts of the RBV by testing the full model through which HRM leads to competitive advantage or firm performance. Do HR practices impact the human capital pool and the relationships and behaviors of the employees and do those outcomes in turn impact both operational and firm-level performance? Answering these questions by testing the full causal model would be a significant contribution to our understanding of the strategic nature of HRM.In essence, this reflects the â€Å"black box process† that Priem and Butler (2001) argued must be addressed by RBV theorists and researchers. Second, future research should focus on understanding the contextual questions surrounding the HRM to performance relationship. Mixed results in past contextual research is not reason enough to abandon the question all together. It is highly l ikely that HRM matters more or less in certain situations or under certain conditions. Efforts should be made to continue to test established models of HRM in new and unique situations.In addition, more thorough tests of moderating variables in the HRM to performance relationship should be tested. Given the complexity involved in the measurement and testing of these relationships and the mixed results of past research in this area it is likely that researchers will need to seek out contexts with reduced complexity such as departments within large organizations or small businesses where reduced complexity will provide more meaningful measures of potential moderating variables and more meaningful tests of the moderating relationships can be performed. Page 19 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04Another step that needs to be taken in understanding the role of context in the HRM to performance relationship is to move away from universal-type models of HRM such as highperform ance work systems and high-involvement work systems and develop and test different configurations of HR practices that might apply to specific situations. In doing this, researchers will be able to better understand the specific bundles or HR practices that are applicable or fit with different types of organizations or situations, thus making a significant contribution to our understanding of the types of HRM that will matter in a given situation.Expanding the Role of SHRM Future research in SHRM should focus on conceptually expanding what is considered to be the role of SHRM. Historically, SHRM has been viewed as the interface between HRM and strategic management (Boxall, 1996) with the focus of much research being on understanding how the HRM function (namely HRM practices) can be strategically aligned so as to contribute directly to competitive advantage.This implies a concern with how HR practices can contribute to strategy implementation without addressing the larger question o f how HRM can contribute or play a role in strategy formulation (Lengnick-Hall & Lengnick-Hall, 1988). Wright et. al. (2001) argued that it is the human capital (the knowledge skills and abilities of the human resources) as well as the relationships and motivation of the employees that leads to competitive advantage. The purpose of HR practices is to develop or acquire this human capital and influence the relationships and behaviors of the employees so that they can contribute to the strategic goals of the irm. Future research should examine human capital and the social interactions and motivations of the human element within a firm (Snell, Shadur, & Wright, 2002), not only as independent variables but also as mediating and dependent variables. A focus in this area will bring the field more in line with contemporary views in strategic management. Research in this area will also help us to get beyond questions regarding how HR practices can facilitate the strategic goals of a firm an d begin to understand how organizations can understand the resources found in their human element and use that Page 20 of 26Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 understanding to influence or even drive their decisions about their strategic direction. For instance, IBM’s strong HR processes/competencies led it into the business of offering outsourced HR services. This was an internal resource that was extended into a new product line, and illustrates how an understanding of such resources can influence strategic direction. Along these same lines, another way to break away from this notion of HRM as a facilitator of the strategic direction of the firm is by focusing on some of the resources currently salient to strategic management researchers.In their review of the RBV and SHRM relationship, Wright, Dunford and Snell, (2001) argue that the RBV created a link between HRM and strategic management research and that as a result of this link the two fields were converging. Be cause of this convergence, the potential impact of SHRM research on mainstream strategy issues is tremendous. Increasingly, strategy researchers are focusing on knowledge and knowledge-based resources (Argote, & Ingram, 2000; Grant, 1996;), human capital (Hitt et al. 001), social capital (Inkpen & Tsang, 2005; McFadyen, Ann, & Albert, 2004), capabilities (Dutta, Narasimhan, & Rajiv, 2005), and dynamic capabilities (Teece, Pisano, & Schuen, 1997), as critical resources that lead to organizational success. While HRM practices strongly influence these resources, the SHRM literature seems almost devoid of empirical attention to them. Only recently have researchers began to explore these issues (Kinnie, Swart, & Purcell, 2005; Thompson & Heron, 2005). Additional research in these areas would provide tremendous synergy between HRM and strategy.In addition, alternative theories such as ‘learning organizations’ (Fiol & Lyles, 1985; Fisher & White, 2000), real options theory (Mc Grath, 1997; Trigeorgis, 1996) and institutional theory (Meyer & Rowan, 1977) can be combined with SHRM research to enhance our understanding of the strategic nature of HRM. For instance, Bhattacharya and Wright (2005) showed how real options theory can be applied to understanding flexibility in SHRM. In addition, Paauwe and Boselie (Chapter 9) provide a detailed analysis of how institutional theory can better inform SHRM research. The use of these in addressing questions in SHRM research willPage 21 of 26 Strategic Management and HRM CAHRS WP06-04 provide new lenses through which researchers are able to view the HRM to performance relationship, potentially providing new insights and ideas that will further our understanding of SHRM. Conclusion While the field of strategic HRM is relatively young, significant progress has been made at a rapid pace. Researchers have provided great theoretical and empirical advancements in a period of just over 25 years. Much of this progress is the r esult of the RBV and its emphasis on the internal resources of the firm as a source of sustainable competitive advantage.The RBV and its application to SHRM research created an important link between strategic management and HRM research. Its application has been followed by a significant amount of research using the RBV as a basis for assertions about the strategic nature of HRM. However, the link between HRM and strategic management can be strengthened by breaking away from the focus on HR practices. 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