Tuesday, September 24, 2019

U.S. expansionism Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

U.S. expansionism - Personal Statement Example My name is Jackson J. Samuel; I was born in 1856 and lived with my parents and seven siblings on a farm in Texas. Currently, I am working as a teacher. I am married to Penelope, and we have three boys, James, Fred and Peter. Last year, the country joined Cuba rebels in a sordid fight for independence from its colonial master, Spain.Personally, I favor the United States helping Cuba because I believe in the Manifest Destiny. Even though it was made more than a decade before I was born, it was a constant part of my early education.My father, Jacob J Samuel, used to tell me stories about history of our beloved country. He explained how the US was superior to all the other countries in the region and we were right to take the lands away from the weaker nations because it was divinely ordained and also because President James Monroe had already made it clear to the European countries that they were to stay out of the hemisphere so that the United States would be able to take advantage of the far more inferior nations. I favor the war because I believe the United States is superior, it is the divine right of my country to seek expansion and I think that US imperialism is good. Even though, the confederacy lost the civil war and my family and I still harbor bitterness about the whole affair, we are still rather patriotic. ... So when the Cuban war of independence broke out last year I was glad that the US decided to get involved, if the government could free the country from backwardness like it had freed Texas, it was a fight well fought. Judging from the news of the treaty being signed I am glad that the Philippines have also been rescued and can be greatly helped by the superior political and economic strength of my country. The United States was far more superior to the other nations in the hemisphere. One example of the brilliance of the United States is that the largest war fought on the territory managed to unify the north and the south and to bring greater political and economic security. My father used to tell me that the other country in the region especially those from the South American continent were extremely backward and when they fought wars they were never wise enough to join together, instead they broke into smaller, weaker groups, which I determined fro myself was a good thing because it meant that the US could always exert its influence and dominate these weaker nations. This is exactly what happened at every opportunity that presented itself, and the war in Cuba was undoubtedly another such opportunity. With Spain gone, the US would be free to intervene and negotiate Cuban affairs in order to gain economically because Cuba was a very prosperous colony. This is important for me because, it meant that as a teacher, better economic prosperity in the country would eventually trickle down to me. In 1898, I was happy to hear the news in February about the US starting to fight in the war. When the Maine sunk, many American thought that it was deliberate act of aggression by Spain. I suspected that

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