Friday, January 3, 2020

Situational Leadership Theory And Organizational Leadership

Situational Leadership Theory and Organizational Leadership Why are some employees happier and more satisfied with their work environment than others? Why are some teams within the same organization more productive than others? How can you get subordinates to trust your decisions, readily cooperate with others and follow your lead? The answer to these questions boils down to one thing; effective leadership. For our purpose, effective leadership can be defined as the art of influencing individuals and groups to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization (Plunkett, Allan, and Attner, 2013). Effective leadership has a direct impact on the motivation, or lack thereof, of employees and how they interact with others within the organization. Followers will also act in ways that reflect their leaders example, whether it is positive or negative. It is obvious that the leadership culture within our organization is ineffective and employee productivity and morale has slipped to unacceptable levels. Because of our current situation, the following information is presented to you, as managers and supervisors, as a guide to help you become a more effective leader. There are many theories on how best to lead and motivate employees, however, for our purposes, we will concentrate our study and efforts on the situational leadership theories. Situational Leadership Theory and The Leadership Culture One of the ways we can improve our leadership skills is through the studyShow MoreRelatedSituational Leadership Theory And Organizational Leadership1422 Words   |  6 PagesSituational Leadership Theory and Organizational Leadership Dwight D. 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