Thursday, June 6, 2019

Appeals Compare and Contrast Essay Essay Example for Free

Appeals Compare and Contrast Essay EssayIn William Shakespeares Rendition of Julius Caesar goal, the character Brutus essential acquit the earreach into believing his murder of Caesar was justified. To be sure that he is imprinted as a heroine for saving the roman empire he makes Mark Anthony go, sharp that the audience will believe him for he was Caesars best friend.Brutus makes sure that he implies him as a good guy by giving him restrictions on what he could and could not say, but ultimately Brutus fails with his plan for he did not listen to Anthonys speech which was one of his most grave mistakes, and Anthony wins over the audience piece of music Brutus is forced to flee from the roman empire. In Brutuss speech he enlightened the audience through his use of logos by demonstrating the true sensory faculty of capability they would have faced if Caesar would have continued as a tyrannical ruler as he says would u had Caesar were living, and die slaves.Brutus stressed th e oppressing afterlife and eventual demise of the roman empire as long as Caesar had remained in power, hence his reasoning behind his actions. As Brutus using pathos to persuade the audience as he says who here is so vile that will not love his country Brutus expresses his feelings for the empire and how he cares trying to make the audience feel the dreadful for thinking that his killing of Caesar was a betrayal to the empire.The Biggest flaw was that his speech was too short he never really explained the crimes or despotism that Caesar had committed and that would eventually be his downfall. As mark Anthony approaches the audience he had to find a way to oblige to Brutuss rules of not saying anything prohibit of him. He announces to the audience using logos by expressing his sadness for Caesars death, as he speaks he quotes the conspirators as honorable men as he tell the quote over and over the audience began to rally up and shout, the more he said it the more the audience re alized how Brutus lied to them.Anthony had shown the audience of the Brutuss betrayal without saying he wasnt a honorable man. As Anthony says He Caesar hath brought many captives home to Rome whose ransoms did the general coffers fill showing that Caesar had cared for the urban center trying to bring wealth to the empire, but then Anthony says but Caesar is ambitious making the audience praise more for Caesar for he had brought wealth to the empire. Anthony shows the audience of Brutuss act of violence which ultimately gave Anthony the audience and the upper hand.Anthony showed Brutus as a hero as brutus wanted, but brutus did not expect Brutus fails of his plans to make the audience belive caesars death was justified, Anthony shows the audience in anthonys words, that he was telling the truth from his sadness and tone, while Brutus was failed as he only said a few words and left field Anthony all by himself. Ultimately making the audience team up with Anthony, as Brutus flees the empire.

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