Sunday, June 9, 2019

Ethical Business Desicion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Business Desicion - Essay ExampleAt other instances it might be a more complex routine that requires a lot of struggle and hard work onwards coming to a conclusion and making the right pickaxe. Deciding what is right is most of the era not all that easy.Ethical decision-making may be elaborated further by the use of a real-world example of a 45-year-old lady named Sheila (Susca, 2006). Sheila is a commit and hardworking head of the human resource department of a large company. And just like any other leader, she too was faced with an ethical quandary in the working environment.A few years back, her company considered hiring a former member of staff. This particular employee had in the past schemed against Sheila and had given her severe vexation and suffering. She chose to remain quiet back then and had moved on as he left the company. According to his resume, he was fit for the position and had a reduce of serious qualities and skills needed for expanding the busines s and the company. Now it was up to Sheila to decide what decision is in the best interest of everyone in the company and herself.Utilitarianism is the act of maximizing emolument or happiness of all the concerned people. do work utilitarianism considers the maximum happiness to a maximum number of people. Rule utilitarianism however states that according to the rules, an action that brings rough the greatest utility should be taken. The rule utilitarian abides by the truth. (Prevos, 2004)According to act utilitarian, that act... (Prevos, 2004)3. A persuasive argument based on the theories and fact in the scenario.Sheila may ask herself a question Is this a good person to hireAccording to the rule utilitarian, the honest answer according to Sheila would be No. According to act utilitarian, that action must be taken which brings about maximum utility to maximum people. In this case, a yes to that question would be a good choice for Sheila as this is in the best interest of the com pany.Sheila is challenged with this situation. Based on the theories just mentioned, hiring back the former employee would be a good choice according to the act utilitarian theory. This would bring about fruitful results in the future. Sheila must consider the potential benefits that may occur, as she has been trusted with the responsibility of hiring good prospects. Considering otherwise, employees of her company might lose faith in her, which ultimately would result in a breakdown of her confidence.All consequences, therefore, must be evaluated carefully before making an ethical business decision.REFERENCES1. Debra Susca. (2006). Making Ethical Business Decisions. The Journal of Connecticut Business and Industry Association, Vol. 84, No. 62. Peter Prevos. (2004). Rule and Act Utilitarianism. Ethics. Monash University,

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